Bagaikan Bejana G Am Bagaikan bejana siap dibentuk D C G Demikian hidupku ditangan-Mu G C Dengan urapan kuasa Roh-Mu A D Ku dibaharui selalu G C Jadikan ku alat dalam rumah-Mu D C G Inilah hidupku di tangan-Mu G C Bentuklah s'turut kehendak-Mu Am D G Pakailah sesuai rencana-Mu G Am Ku mau s'perti-Mu Yesus D G Disempurnakan selalu Em Am Dalam segenap jalanku C D G Memuliakan nama-Mu
Bangkit S'rukan Nama Yesus Bangkit s'rukan nama Yesus Maju nyatakan kuasa-Nya Kita buat iblis gemetar Kalahkan tipu dayanya Dengan kuasa Nama-NYa Nama Yesus menara yang kuat Nama Yesus kota benteng yang teguh Nama Yesus kalahkan semua musuh Nama Yesus di atas s'galanya
Bapa Engkau Sungguh Baik D G Bapa Engkau sungguh baik Fism Bm E A Kasih-Mu melimpah dihidupku D G Bapa kubertrimakasih Fism Bm Dm G C Berkat-Mu hari ini yang Kau sediakan bagiku D Fis Bm D7 Kunaikan syukurku buat hari yang Kau bri G Em C A Tak habis-habisnya kasih dan rahmat-Mu D Am D7 G Gm Slalu baru dan tak pernah terlambat pertolongan-Mu Fism Bm Em A D Besar setia-Mu dis'panjang hidupku
Bapa Surgawi Bapa surgawi bawaku mengenal Betapa dalamnya kasih-Mu Bapa surgawi buatku mengerti Betapa kasih-Mu padaku Semua yang terjadi Di dalam hidupku Ajarku menyadari Kau s'lalu sertaku B'ri hatiku s'lalu Bersyukur pada-Mu Karna rencana-Mu Indah bagiku
Bapa Kupersembahkan Tubuhku Bapa, kupersembahkan tubuhku S'bagai persembahan yang hidup Kudus dan yang berkenan pada-Mu S'bagai ibadah yang sejati Ku sembah Kau Tuhan (2x) Ku serahkan hidupku kepada-Mu Untuk kemuliaan nama-Mu
Basuh Aku Didalam Darah-Mu Basuh aku di dalam darah-Mu Anak Domba Jamah bibir luruskan hatiku dengan Roh-Mu Kurindu kemuliaan Tuhan Lebih dari segala harta Jadikan ku hamba berkenan kepada-Mu Lebih dari s'galanya kuingin Kau Tuhan Mas, perak, dan permata tiada artinya Kuingin lebih dekat bersekutu dengan-Mu Jadikanku hamba setia kepada-Mu
Bersama Keluargaku Robert & Lea Sutanto (c) 1996 Symphony Music
Kami datang dihadirat-Mu Dalam satu kasih dengan bersehati Berjanji setia sampai akhir Mengasihi-Mu Tuhan Bersama k'luargaku melayani Tuhan Bersatu s'lamanya mengasihi Engkau Tiada yang dapat melebihi kasih-Mu ya Tuhan Bagi kami Engkau segalanya Gelombang badai hidup coba menghalangi Namun kuasa Tuhan buka jalan kami
Bersorak Sorai Hai Umat Pilihan-Nya Bersorak sorai hai umat pilihan-Nya Bertepuk tangan hai umat tebusan-Nya S'bab Dia bebaskan dari semua belenggu dosa Penuhkan diriku dengan kasih-Nya Kini ku bersuka memuji besarkan Nama-Nya Terpujilah Allah Yesus juru selamat manusia
Betapa Hatiku Rindukan Betapa hatiku rindukan Berada dekat-Mu Tuhan Menikmati keindahan-Mu Dalam dekap hadirat-Mu Saat ini kan kunyatakan Betapa ku mengasihi-Mu Hanya Engkau kerinduanku Kekasih jiwaku Ku puji dan sembah Kau Tuhan Dalam kekudusan-Mu Anugrah dan rahmat melimpah Dalam hadirat-Mu
Betapa Dalamnya D Betapa dalamnya kasih setia-Mu A Betapa besarnya kebaikan-Mu D F#m G Hidupku dipenuhi kemuliaan-Mu D G A D Indahnya O Yesus Tuhanku A Sempurnalah kehidupanku D Sejak Kau hadir dalam hatiku Em E Kau perhatikanku setiap waktu A G F#m G A O sungguh indahnya Yesus Tuhanku
Blessed Be The Name of The Lord Blessed be the name of the Lord He is worthy to be praised and adored So we lift up holy hands in one accord Singing blessed be the Name Blessed be the Name of the Lord
Breathe This is the air I breathe This is the air I breathe Your holy presence living in me This is my daily bread This is my daily bread Your very words spoken to me And I …. I'm desperate for You And I …. I'm lost without You
Celebrate Jesus Celebrate G C D G C D G Celebrate Jesus celebrate G C D G Celebrate Jesus celebrate G D Em He is risen, He is risen D Em And He lives, forevermore C D Em He is risen, He is risen D Come on and celebrate C G The resurrection of our Lord
Celebrate The Lord of Love Drink your heavy heart for a heart of joy Celebrate what God has done Join the song of praise As we gather here Celebrate the Lord of Love Jesus is our Lord He is reigning here We declare His kingdom's come Darkness has defeated in His holy light In his holy light Celebrate the Lord of Love All creation sing Hear the oceans roar Let the earth proclaim that Christ is Lord
Come, Now Is The Time To Worship D Dsus D Come, now is the time to worship A Em7 G Come, now is the time to give your heart D Dsus D Come, just as you are to worship A Em7 G Come, just as you are before your God D Come G D One day every tongue will confess you are God G D One day every knee will bow G Bm Still the greatest treasure remains for those G A Who gladly choose you now
Brian Doerksen - © 1998 Vinyard songs
Datang Ke Hadirat Tuhan C Datang ke hadirat Tuhan Dm Dengan hati yang penuh sukacita G Datang ke hadirat Tuhan C Dengan senyum dan muka yang gembira C Tanggalkan beban dan kesedihan yang ada F Di dalam hatimu C Am Kenakan jubah pujian Dm G C Sambut hadirnya Sang Raja G C Dan gunung-gunung pun A7 Dm Bersorak-sorai memuji Dia G Dan pohon-pohon pun C Bertepuk tangan memuji Dia G C S'kalian kita di sini F Berkumpul dan memuji Dia C Yesus Tuhan Raja Am Dm Dialah yang bertahta G C Diatas pujian..
Datanglah Kebait-Nya G B A B E Datanglah ke bait-Nya dengan hati bersyukur E B A Fism B E Kedalam pelataran-Nya dengan hati bersuka E B A B A B Rasakan dan lihatlah betapa baiknya Tuhan E B A Bagi yang berlindung pada-Nya Fism B Akan bersorak-sorai, akan bersorak-sorai E B Bersyukurlah kepada Tuhan A B Sebab Ia baik E B Bahwasanya tuk selamanya A B Kasih setia-Nya E B Bersyukurlah kepada Tuhan A Cism B Sebab Ia baik A Gism Cism Bahwasanya tuk selamanya Fism B E Kasih setia-Nya
Days Of Elijah By Robin MarkG C These are the days of Elijah, G D G Declaring the Word of the Lord G C And these are the days of Your servant, Moses, G D G Righteousness being restored Bm Em And though these are the days of great trial, C Am D Of famine and darkness and sword G C Still we are the voice in the desert, crying, G D G "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!" G C Behold, He comes riding on the clouds G D Shining like the sun, at the trumpet call G C Lift your voice, in the year of jubilee G D G For out of Zion's hill salvation comes G C These are the days of Ezekiel, G D G The dry bones becoming as flesh G C And these are the days of Your servant, David, G D G Rebuilding a temple of praise Bm Em These are the days of the harvest, C Am D The fields are as white in the world G C And we are the labourers in Your vineyard, G D G Declaring the Word of the Lord (Chorus)
©1996 Daybreak Music, Ltd. (Admin by Integrity Music, Inc.)
Dia Sungguh Baik Dia mati bagiku, Dia bangkit bagiku Dia Tuhan Allah penyelamatku Kuasa maut dikalahkan, hidupku dipulihkan Dia Tuhan Allah kem'nanganku Dia sungguh baik, Dia sangat baik Yesus Dia baik bagiku (2x) Dia ada dalamku, bergerak di hidupku Dia Tuhan Allah kekuatanku Dia penuhi hatiku, dengan kuasa kasihNya Dia Tuhan Allah kem'nanganku He is so good to you, He is so good to me Jesus - He's so good to you and me
Deeper In Love One thing have I desired in my life, Lord To thirst and hunger after You alone With all my heart and soul With all my strength and love To worship as Your glory fill this place Deeper in love with You Deeper in love with You I love You more than anything in life Deeper in love with You Deeper in love with You O ..How I love You, Lord
Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble by Martin Smith * Tune bottom E down to D
D Did you feel the mountains tremble? G/B Did you hear the oceans roar? G/E When the people rose to sing of G/B Asus4 D Asus4 D Asus4 Jesus Christ the risen One. Did you feel the people tremble? Did you hear the singers roar? When the lost began to sing of Jesus Christ the saving One. G/B D And we can see that God You're moving. G/B D A mighty river through the nations. G/B D And young and old will turn to Jesus. G/E Fling wide you heavenly gates, G/B Asus4 D Asus4 D Asus4 prepare the way of the risen Lord. D G/B Open up the doors and let the music play, G/E D Asus4 let the streets resound with singing. D G/B Songs that bring Your hope, songs that bring Your joy, G/E D Asus4 dancers who dance upon injustice. Do you feel the darkness tremble, when all the saints join in one song? And all the streams flow as one river, to wash away our brokenness. G/B D And here we see that God You're moving. G/B D A time of jubilee is coming. G/B D When young and old return to Jesus. G/E Fling wide you heavenly gates. G/B Asus4 D Asus4 D Asus4 Prepare the way of the risen Lord.
©1994 Curious? Music UK (Kingway's Thankyou Music)
Dekat Bapa G C G Ku berdiam dekat Bapa Em D C Semakin indah… indah ku rasa Am D Bm Em Aku dilayakkan 'tuk memuji Dia F D Kudus-kuduslah Raja sgala raja G C G Ku bernyanyi bagi Dia Em D C Korban terindah akan kusembahkan Am D B Em Pujian kunaikkan jiwaku bersorak Am A D Aku diangkat semakin dekat dengan Bapa G Em Am Dalam hadirat-Nya kurasa bahagia A D Dalam hadirat-Nya ada damai dan sejahtera A Bm C Cm Dalam hadirat-Nya kutemukan iman kekuatan G Em Am D G Dalam hadirat-Nya kutemukan kasih-Nya
Draw Me Close by Kelly Carpenter
Bb Draw me close to You | Eb |
Eb Bb F I lay it all down | Eb again |
Eb again Gm To | Gm7 hear You say that I | Ebmaj7 'm Your friend | F |
Gm7 hear You say that IEbmaj7 'm Your friend F Eb Bb F Cause nothing else could take | Eb Your place |
Eb Your place Gm To | Gm7 feel the warmth of Yo | Ebmaj7 ur embrace | F |
Gm7 feel the warmth of YoEbmaj7 ur embrace F Bb Help me find a wa | F7sus y |
F7sus y F Bring me back to You | Bb Eb F |
Bb Eb F Bb You're all | F I want | Eb |
F I want Eb Bb You're all | F I've ev | Eb er nee | F7sus ded |
F I've evEb er neeF7sus ded Bb You're all | F I want | Eb |
F I want Eb F7sus Help me know | F You are near | Bb |
F You are near Bb
Eagle's Wings by Reuben Morgan
Am7 Dsus4 D Here I am waiting G C Abide in me I pray Am7 Dsus4 D G C/G Here I am longing for You Am7 Dsus4 D Hide me in Your love G C Bring me to my knees Am7 Dsus4 D G D May I know Jesus more and more G C/G G C Come live in me G/B Am7 All my life Dsus4 D Take over G C/G G C Come breathe in me G/B Am7 And I will rise G/D D G C G/B Am7 Dsus D On eagle's wings
©1998 Reuben Morgan (Hillsong) (ASCAP) (Admin. by Integrity Music Inc.)
El Shaddai by Michael Card & John Thompson
(Chorus) Dm G/B El Shaddai, El Shaddai, C F El Elyonna Adonai, Bb E7 age to age you're still the same, Am G/B A/C# by the power of the name. Dm G7/B El Shaddai, El Shaddai, C F erkamkana Adonai, Bb Dm7/A G we will praise and lift you high, Gsus C El Shaddai. (Verse 1) Dm G Through your love and through the ram, C F you saved the son of Abraham, Bb E7 through the power of your hand Am G/B A/C# you turned the sea into dry land. Dm G To the outcast on her knees G7/B C Cma7 F you were the God who really sees, Bb G C Csus C and by your might you set your children free. (Verse 2) Dm G Through the years you made it clear C F that the time of Christ was near, Bb E7 though the people couldn't see Am G/B A/C# what Messiah ought to be. Dm G Though your Word contained the plan, C F they just could not understand, Bb G Bb G your most awesome work was done in the frailty of your Son.
©1981 Mole End Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Father In Heaven A E7 Father in heaven, how we love You D E7 A We lift Your name in all the earth A Bm7 May Your kingdom be established in our praises D A As Your people declare Your mighty works E7 A C#m7 D Blessed be the Lord God Almighty D E7 A Who was, and is and is to come E7 A C#m7 D Blessed be the Lord God Almighty D E7 Asus A Who reigns forevermore
Firm Foundation By Jamie Harvill and Nancy Gordon
Chorus C F G Jesus you're my firm foundation Bm G A Jesus you're my firm foundation G A Bm I put my hope in your Holy Word G A D I put my hope in your Holy Word D-G-A X4 You're my firm foundation You're the rock of my salvation You're my firm foundation C F G I know I can stand secure Am F G Jesus you're my firm foundation F G Am I put my hope in your Holy Word F G C I put my hope in your Holy Word Verse 1: C G C C G C I have a living hope (echo) C G C C G C I have a future (echo) Am G F God has a plan for me (echo) C F C G Of this I'm sure, of this I'm sure. (Chorus) Verse 2: C G C C G C Your Word is faithful (echo) C G C C G C Mighty in power (echo) Am G F God has delivered me (echo) C F C G Of this I'm sure, Of this I'm sure (Chorus) -Chorus (Change Key)- D G A Jesus you're my firm foundation D G A I know I can stand secure
©1994 Integrity's Hosanna! Music \ Integrity's Praise! Music (Admin. by Integrity Music, Inc.)
Forever by Michael W. Smith Give thanks to the Lord our God and King His love endures forever For He is good He is above all things His love endures forever Sing praise, sing praise With a mighty hand and outstretched arm His love endures forever For the life that's been reborn His love endures forever, sing praise, sing praise Forever God is faithful, forever God is strong Forever God is with us, forever and ever, forever From the rising to the setting of the sun His love endures forever By the grace of God we will carry on His love endures forever, sing praise, sing praise
Forever The nails in Your hands The nails in Your feet They show me how much You love me The thorns on Your brow They show me how You bore so much shame to love me The nails in Your hands The nails in Your feet They tell me how much You love me The thorns on Your brow They show me how You bore so much shame to love me When the heavens pass away All Your scars will still remain And forever they will say just how much You love me So I want to say Forever my love Forever my heart Forever my life is Yours Forever my love Forever my heart Forever my life is Yours The nails in Your hands The nails in Your feet They show me how much You love me The thorns on Your brow They show me how You bore so much shame to love me When the heavens pass away All Your scars will still remain And forever they will say just how much You love me So I want to say Forever my love Forever my heart Forever my life is Yours Forever my love Forever my heart Forever my life is Yours!
Give Thanks E Give thanks with the | Gism grateful heart |
Gism grateful heart Cism Give thanks unto the | Gism Holy One |
Gism Holy One Give | A thanks because He's | E given |
A thanks because He's E given Cism Jesus | Fism Christ His | B son |
Fism Christ His B son Gism And now let the | Cism weak say I am | Fism strong |
Cism weak say I am Fism strong Let the | B poor say I am | Em rich |
B poor say I am Em rich Because of | Cism what the Lord has | D done |
Cism what the Lord has D done E thanks
God Is God All The Time God is good all the time He put a song of praise In this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night His light will shine God is good God is good All the time back to top If you're walking Through the valley There are shadows all around Do not fear, He will guide you He will keep you safe and sound He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you And His word is true back to top We were sinners so unworthy Still for us He chose to die He filled us with His holy spirit Now we can stand and testify That His love is everlasting And His mercies they will never end Though I may not understand All the plans You have for me My life is in Your hand And through the eyes of faith I can clearly see back to top
God Is The Strength of My Heart Whom have I in Heaven but You There is nothing on earth I desire beside You My heart and my strength (so) Many times they failed But there is one truth that always will prevail God is the strength of my heart (3x) And my potion, forever God is the strength of my heart (3x) And my potion, forever, forever
God Will Make A Way G D God will make a way C G When there seems to be no way C G He works in ways we cannot see Am7 D7 He will make a way for me G D He will be my guide C G Holds me close to His side C G With love and strength for each new day Am7 D He will make a way G D He will make a way
God With Us He walk where I walk He stood where I stand He felt where I feel He understands He knows my frailty Shared my humanity Tempted in every way Yet without sin God with us, so close to us God with us, Emmanuel (2X) Emmanuel One of a hated race Stung by the prejudice Suffering injustice Yet He forgives Wept for my wasted years Paid for my wickedness He died in my place That I might live
Good to Me by Craig Musseau
G C I cry out Em D C for your hand of mercy to heal me G C I am weak Em D C I need your love to free me G/B C Oh Lord, my rock G/B C my strength in weakness, Em Bm7 C2 come rescue me oh Lord D You are my hope, G/B C Dsus D/F# G your promise never fails me D And my desire G/B C Dsus D/F# G is to follow you for - e - ver. C For you are good G/B for you are good Am7 G D/F# for you are good to me D C For you are good G/B for you are good Am7 G D/F# for you are good to me.
©1990 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (ASCAP)(Admin. by Music Services)
Go Tell It On The Mountain Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain Our Jesus Christ is born
Hai Mari Berhimpun Hai mari berhimpun Dan bersukaria Turut semua ke Betlehem Marilah pandang Tuhan bala surga Sembah dan puji Dia Sembah dan puji Dia Sembah dan puji Dia…Raja
Hanya Dekat Kasih-Mu Bapa D Hanya | Bm dekat kasih-Mu | G Bapa |
Bm dekat kasih-Mu G Bapa D tentram Engkau | Bm menerima | Em ku de | G ngan | A sepenuhnya |
Bm menerimaEm ku deG ngan A sepenuhnya D Walau du | Bm nia melihat | G rupa |
Bm nia melihat G rupa A Namun kau | D memandangku |
D memandangku Bm sampai | Em kedalam | G | A hatiku |
Em kedalamG A hatiku D Tuhan i | G nilah | Em yang kutahu |
G nilah Em yang kutahu A hatikuD B Jauh melebi | Em hi semua yang terde | G kat sekali | D pun |
Em hi semua yang terdeG kat sekaliD pun D Tuhan inilah yang | G ku | Em mau |
G ku Em mau A Kau | Em menjaga | A hati | D ku |
Em menjaga A hatiD ku Bm Supaya kehidupan | G memancar | A senantia | D sa |
G memancar A senantiaD sa
Hari Ini Kurasa Bahagia D Hari i | A ni ku | G rasa baha | D gia |
A ni kuG rasa bahaD gia Berkum | Bm pul ber | Em sama saudara | A seiman |
Bm pul berEm sama saudara A seiman D Tuhan | A Yesus t'lah | G satukan ki | D ta |
A Yesus t'lah G satukan kiD ta Tanpa | G meman | A dang di anta | D ra kita |
G memanA dang di antaD ra kita A Bergande | D ngan tangan da | A lam kasih |
D ngan tangan daA lam kasih D ti Ber | Bm jalan dalam te | E rang kasih Tu | A han |
Bm jalan dalam teE rang kasih TuA han G Kau sahabat | A ku, | F#m Kau saudara | Bm ku |
A ku, F#m Kau saudaraBm ku Tiada | Em yang da | A pat memisah | D kan kita |
Em yang daA pat memisahD kan kita G Kau sahabat | A ku, | F#m Kau saudara | Bm ku |
A ku, F#m Kau saudaraBm ku Tiada | Em yang da | A pat memisah | D kan kita |
Em yang daA pat memisahD kan kita
Heart Of Worship (When The Music Fades) by Matt Redman
(full version) D A Em When the music fades, all is stripped away, A And I simply come D A Em Longing just to bring something that's of worth A That will bless Your heart Em D/F# A * I'll bring You more than a song, Em For a song in itself, D/F# A A/C# D Is not what you have required Em D/F# A You search much deeper within, Em Through the way things appear D/F# A You're looking into my heart D A2/C# I'm coming back to the heart of worship Em And it's all about You G A D It's all about You, Jesus A2/C# I'm sorry, Lord for the thing I've made it Em When it's all about You G A D It's all about You, Jesus D A Em King of endless worth, no one could express, A How much You deserve D A Em Though I'm weak and poor, all I have is Yours, A Every single breath *
©1997 Kingsway's Thankyou Music.
He Is Exalted by Twila Paris
F F/A Bb Bb/D C/E He is exalted the King is exalted on high, I will praise Him F F/A Bb C/Bb Bb/C C Dsus D D/C He is exalted forever exalted and I will praise His name Chorus: Gm Dm/F C/E C F Am7 Bb F/A He is the Lord, forever His truth shall reign Gm Dm/F C/E C F Am7 Bb F/A Heaven and earth, rejoice in His holy name Gm Gm/F Ebmaj9 Gm7/C F He is exalted the King is exalted on high
©1985 Straightway Music (ASCAP)(a div. of EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Hidupku Dalam-Mu F Kupuji Kau de | G ngan hidup | C ku |
G ngan hidupC ku F Kupuji Kau de | C ngan kuat | Am ku |
C ngan kuatAm ku G Dengan hidup | C ku, de | A ngan kuat | Dm ku |
C ku, deA ngan kuatDm ku D ku dalam-G Mu
Holy Spirit I Thirst After You Holy Spirit, I thirst after you Come and quench me Lord I long for you more Holy Spirit, I follow Your way Come and lead me Lord Your servant obey For I long to see Your glory Fill this earth With Your mighty way Oh my God give me a passion For the world Come arise Your Spirit within me To declare Your name in this world Jesus Christ is Lord (3x) Over all the earth
Holy Ground by Christopher Beatty
D This is holy ground G We're standing on holy ground D G D Em7 A For the Lord is here and where He is, is holy D These are holy hands G He's given us holy hands D G D Em7 He works through these hands and so these hands are holy D G These are holy lips, He's given us holy lips D G D Em7 A He speaks through these lips, and so these lips are holy D G These are holy lips, He's given us holy lips D Em7 Asus G D B7 He speaks through these lips, and so these lips are holy B7 E A This is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground E A E F#m B7 for the Lord is present, and where He is, is holy E A This is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground E F#m Bsus B7 A E For the Lord is present, and where He is is holy
1982 Bird Wing Music / Cherry Lane Music
Holy Ground C/D G Am G/B C G D/G G We are standing on Holy ground Bm Em Am D And I know that there are angels all around C/D G Am G/B C G D/G G Let us P R A I S E Jesus Now C G/B C G/D We are standing in His presence D7 G C G On Holy ground
Hosana Let the weak say I am strong, Let the poor say I am rich Let the blind say I can see It's what the Lord has done in me Hosanna hosanna to the Lamb that was slain Hosanna hosanna Jesus died and rose again Into the river I will wade There my sins are washed away From the heavens mercy streams Of the Savior's love for me I will rise from waters deep Into the saving arms of God I will sing salvation songs Jesus Christ has set me free
Hosana E Fm Hosana..hosanna.. E A Fism B Diberkati yang datang dalam nama Tuhan A B Gism Cism Kau Allahku peny'lamatku dan Tuhanku Fism B E Kupuji Nama-Mu selamanya A B Gism Cism Seg'nap bumi memuji-Mu menyembah-Mu Fism B E Dan bersujud di hadapan-Mu naikkan pujian
I Bow My Knee I bow my knee before Your throne I know my life is not my own I offer up the song of praise to bring You pleasure Lord I seek the giver not the gift My heart’s desire is to lift Him High above all earthly kings To bring You pleasure Lord Hallelujah..hallelujah Hallelujah Glory to the King
I Just Want to be Where You Are G Am 1 just want to be where you are C D C G Dwelling daily in Your presence Am I don't want to worship from afar C D G C D G Draw me near to where You are Am I just want to be where You are C D C G In Your dwelling place forever Am Take me to the place where You are C D G C D G I just want to be with You Am I want to be where You are C/D D G Dwelling in Your presence Am Feasting at Your table C/D D Em Surrounded by Your glory D C In Your presence G Bm Em That's where I always want to be C D I just want to be Eb F G I just want to be with You God..You are my strength and my song And when I am in Your presence 'Though I am weak You're always strong
I Love To Be In Your Presence by Paul Baloche and Ed Kerr I | G love to be in your | C presence |
G love to be in your C presence With your | G people singing | D4 D C/D praises |
G people singing D4 D C/D praises I love to stand | (F/G) and | C rejoice |
(F/G) and C rejoice Am7 Lift my | G/D hands and | C/D raise my | G voice |
G/D hands and C/D raise my G voice C2 You set my | G feet to dancin' |
G feet to dancin' C2 You fill my | G heart with song |
G heart with song F You give me | C/E reason to | D4 rejoice | D C/D |
C/E reason to D4 rejoice D C/D
I Love Your Love (Sometimes When I Feel Your Love) by Paul Oakley Album: Worship Together Live, Vol.1, King of Love; When Deep Calls to Deep Submitted by: Megan (
B(G) F#(D) Sometimes when I feel Your love, E(C) B(G) As I walk along the busy street, F#(D) E(C) I whisper Your name under my breath B(G) F#(D) And sometimes when i feel Your touch, E(C) E(G) In the quiet place of my room, F#(D) E(C) I sing Your name in adoration B(G) And there are times when I feel like I'm bursting E(C) B(G) F#(D) With Your love, so strong and so true E(C) B(G) And in my heart I feel such a yearning F#(D) And I want all the world B(G) To know You love them, too E(C) I love Your love B(G) Gonna shout it out aloud E(C) I love Your love B(G) Wanna tell the world about it E(C) I love Your love, F#(D) 'Cause I've found it to be true, B(G) E(C) And I live to love You, too
© 1995 Kingsway's Thankyou Music (ASCAP) (Admin. in North America by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
I Believe in Jesus by Marc Nelson
D G A I believe in Jesus. D G A I believe He is the Son of God. D G A I believe He died and rose again. D G A I believe He paid for us all. G A D F#m G And I believe He's here now, A D Standing in our midst. G A D F#m G Here with the power to heal now, A D And the grace to forgive. E A B I believe in You Lord. E A B I believe You are the Son of God. E A B I believe You died and rose again. E A B I believe You paid for us all. A B E G#m A And I believe You're here now, B E Standing in our midst. A B E G#m A Here with the power to heal now, B C#m And the grace to forgive. A B E And the grace to forgive.
©1987 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (ASCAP)(Admin. by Music Services)
I Offer My Life F All that I am, | Bb all that I have |
Bb all that I have C/F I lay them down be | Bb fore Y | F C/E ou, O Lord |
Bb fore YF C/E ou, O Lord Dm All my regrets, | Bb all my | F/A acclaim |
Bb all my F/A acclaim The | Gm joy and the | F/A pain |
Gm joy and the F/A pain I'm ma | Bb king | C7 them Yours |
Bb king C7 them Yours F Lord I offer | Dm my life to | Dm7 You |
Dm my life to Dm7 You C Everything I've | Bb been | F/A through |
Bb been F/A through Bb Use it for | C7 Your glory |
C7 Your glory F Lord I offer my | Dm days to | Dm7/C You |
Dm days to Dm7/C You Lifting my praises | Bb to y | F/A ou |
Bb to yF/A ou Bb As a plea | C7 sing sacrifice | Dm |
C7 sing sacrificeDm Dm7 Lord, | Bb I offer You | C7 my | F life |
Bb I offer You C7 my F life
I Simply Live For You by Russell Fragar Say the word and I will sing for You Over oceans deep I will follow If each star was a song And every breath of wind praise It would still fail by far To say all my heart contains I simply live.... I simply live for You As the glory of Your presence now fills this place In worship we will meet You face to face There is nothing in this world to which You can be compared Glory of glory praise upon praise You bind the broken-hearted And save all my tears By Your word You set the captive free There is nothing in this world that You cannot do I simply live.... I simply live for You
©1999, 2000 Russell Fragar (Hillsong) (Admin. in U.S. & Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
I Will Be Here by Steven Curtis Chapman Tommorow morning if you wake up and the sun does not appear I.. I will be here If in the dark we lose sight of love hold my hand and have no fear Cause I... I will be here I will be here when you feel like being quiet when you need to speak your mind I will listen n' I will be here when the laughter turns to crying to the winning losing trying we'll be together cause I will be here Tommorow morning if you wake up and the future is unclear I... I will be here As sure as seasons are made for change Our life times are made for years so I.. I will be here I will be here you can cry on my shoulder when the mirror tells us we're older I will hold you n' I will be here To watch you grow in beauty until you are all the things you are to me I will be here hmmm I will be true to the promise I have made to you and to the one who gave you to me I.. I will be here and.. just as sure as seasons are made for change Our life times are made for years So I... I will be here We'll be together I will be here
I Will Come And Bow Down C Am I will come and bow Down Dm G7 At Your feet, Lord Jesus C Am Dm G7 In Your presense is fullness of joy Am B7 There is nothing, there is no one Em A7 Who compares with You Dm G7 F C I take pleasure in workshipping you, Lord
I Will Enter His Gate I will | D enter His | G gates |
D enter His G gates With thanks | D giving in my heart |
D giving in my heart I will enter | G His court | A with praise |
G His court A with praise I will say this is the | G day |
G day That the | D Lord has | Bm made |
D Lord has Bm made I | G will re | A7 joice for He has made me | D glad ... |
G will reA7 joice for He has made me D glad ... He has made me | G glad | D O... |
G glad D O... Bm glad I | G will re | A7 joice for | D He has | G made me | D glad |
G will reA7 joice for D He has G made me D glad
I Worship You Written by Paul Baloche Performed by Rita Baloche
I worship You, I worship You With everything within me, I worship You For You are the great Most wonderful God Worthy of Glory Reverence and Awe O Lord I worship You O Lord I worship You
I Worship You almighty God by Sondra Corbett
D/G G D/E Em Bm7 Am7 I worship You, Almighty God. C/D Gmaj7 C/D There is none like You. D/G G D/E Em Bm7 Am7 I worship You, O Prince of Peace. Cmaj7/D D That is what I want to do. C/G Gmaj7 Em7 I give You praise, G/A Am C/D D C/D D For You are my righteous - ness. D/G G D/E Em Bm7 Am7 I worship You, Almighty God. C/D D G There is none like You.
Jangan Lelah Jangan lelah bekerja di ladangnya Tuhan Roh Kudus yang b'ri kekuatan Yang mengajar dan menopang Tiada lelah Bekerja bersama-Mu, Tuhan Yang selalu mencukupkan akan segalanya Ratakan tanah bergelombang Timbunlah tanah yang berlubang Menjadi siap dibangun Di atas dasar iman
Jesus Is Alive Hallelujah..Jesus is alive Death has lost its victory and the grave has been denied Jesus lives forever He's alive..2x He is the alpha and omega The first and the last is HE The curse of sin is broken And we have perfect liberty The Lamb of God has risen He's alive 2x Hallelujah Jesus is alive...
Jesus We Enthrone You Jesus, we enthrone You We proclaim You are King Standing here in the midst of us We raise You up in our praise And as we worship build Your throne And as we worship build Your throne And as we worship build Your throne Come Lord Jesus and take Your place
Joy To The World Joy to the world The Lord is come Let Earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room And Heaven and nature sing And Heaven and nature sing And Heaven And Heaven and nature sing
Kami B'ri Puji C Dm Kami b'ri puji, Kami b'ri hormat F/G F/C C G11 Segala kuasa kemuliaan kepada-Mu G/C C Dm Mari memuji Allah yang hidup F/G G C Anak domba Allah mem'rintah slamanya C Em Mari bersuka dihadapan Tuhan Gm A Dm S'bab Dia t'lah bangkit dari maut Bm7-5 E/G# Am D G11 G7 Kuasa iblis t'lah dikalahkan-Nya, kini saatnya bersorak C Em Mari bersuka dihadapan Tuhan Gm A Dm Bm7-5 E/G# Am Dengan minyak kesukaan anggur yang baru 'tlah dicurahkan D11 D G11 G7 Sukacita kemenangan Em Am Em Am Tuhan terangku, kekuatanku Dm C/E F G11 Kepada siapa ku harus takut G Em Am Em Am Tuhan pelindungku, keselamatanku Dm C/E F Dm G11 G Dia bangkit dari maut dan hidup selamanya
Kan Ada Kebangkitan Yang Besar Tuhan curahkan Roh-Mu Atas manusia di bumi Biar anak- anakMu menyampaikan nubuatan Beri mimpi dan penglihatan Nyatakan isi hati-Mu Biar iman kami bangkit Surga nyatakan kedatangan hari-Mu Kan ada kebangkitan yang besar Kan ada pemulihan di negeri kami Kan ada kebangkitan yang besar Yang berseru kepada Yesus diselamatkan
Kau Allah Yang Setia Oleh: Eddie Husnan
C Em Kau Allah yang setia Gm A Dm Penolong dalam kesesakan Bes Sumber kekuatan G C Disaat aku membutuhkan C Em Kasih dan anugrah-Mu Gm A Dm Membuatku sujud bertelut Bes Betapa indahnya G C Hidup dalam perlindungan-Mu F G Em Am Dm G C Hanya Engkau Yang menawan hatiku F E Am Kerinduanku hanya padaMu D G Kau kekasih jiwaku F G Em Dm G C O Yesusku Kau lembutkan hatiku F G Em Am Mengasihiku dan memimpinku Dm G C Kau Allah kekuatanku
Kasih Allah Tak Berkesudahan D Kasih | Fism Allah | G tak berkesu | A dahan |
Fism Allah G tak berkesuA dahan D S'lalu | Bm baru | Em setiap pa | A gi |
Bm baru Em setiap paA gi D Rahmat-Nya | F#m pun | G tak pernah bera | Gis khir |
F#m pun G tak pernah beraGis khir E umur A hidupD ku Am Dengan suka | D7 cita | Am ku kan me | D7 nari |
D7 cita Am ku kan meD7 nari Am Dengan sorak | D7 sorai | Em me | F#m mu | Bm ji |
D7 sorai Em meF#m muBm ji Em Kunaikan pu | F#m jian | G Halelu | A ya |
F#m jian G HaleluA ya D Nyanyi bagi | Fis Dia | G Sang Ra | A ja |
Fis Dia G Sang RaA ja B Nyanyi bagi | A Dia | G Sang Ra | A ja... |
A DiaG Sang RaA ja... (Selamanya)
Kau Telah Memilihku D Kau te | Bm lah me | Em milih | A ku |
Bm lah meEm milihA ku D Sebe | Bm lum du | G nia diben | A tuk |
Bm lum duG nia dibenA tuk Beta | F#m pa aku ber | G syukur pada-Mu |
F#m pa aku berG syukur pada-Mu Em han AllahA ku D Kau te | Bm lah me | Em manggil | A ku |
Bm lah meEm manggilA ku D Seba | Bm gai a | G lat krajaan- | A Mu |
Bm gai aG lat krajaan-A Mu Beta | F#m pa aku ber | G syukur pada-Mu |
F#m pa aku berG syukur pada-Mu Em tas perbuatan-Mu Jadi | D kan aku bait suci- | F#m Mu |
D kan aku bait suci-F#m Mu Yang ku | G dus dan | Bm yang tiada berce | A la |
G dus dan Bm yang tiada berceA la Jadi | D kan a | A ku mesbah doa- | Bm Mu |
D kan aA ku mesbah doa-Bm Mu Bagi | G keselama | A tan bangsa | D ku |
G keselamaA tan bangsaD ku
Kau Ubah Ratapku C Kau ub | Am ah ra | Dm tapku j | G adi | C tarian | A D-G |
Am ah raDm tapku jG adi C tarianA D-G C Kau bu | Am kakan k | Dm ain kabung | Gm ku | C |
Am kakan kDm ain kabungGm kuC Kau b | F rikan | Em suka | Am cita |
F rikan Em sukaAm cita Em bermazAm mur F Dengan segenap kekua | Em tan | Am ku |
Em tanAm ku Dm muji-G Mu TuC han Ku | G tak akan ber | C diam | A memuji- | G Mu sla | C lu | A-D |
G tak akan berC diam A memuji-G Mu slaC luA-D Ku | G bersyukur pada- | C Mu se | D lama-lam | G anya, A | C min |
G bersyukur pada-C Mu seD lama-lamG anya, AC min
Kecaplah Dan Lihatlah D G D Kecaplah dan lihatlah G Em G A Betapa baiknya Tuhan itu D G D Rasakan dan nikmati G Em A/D Kasih setia Tuhan D F#m G A Syukur bagi-Mu Tuhan D F#m G A Sgala hormat bagi-Mu Tuhan Bm F#m G Allah yang mengasihiku Bm F#m A D Allah yang memliharaku (selamanya)
Kekudusan-Mu Bapa Kekudusan-Mu Bapa Pengorbanan-Mu Yesus, Penghiburan-Mu Roh Kudus Membuatku terpesona Tiada lagi kata Tiada lagi harta Tiada lagi daya S'lain memuji dan menyembah-Mu Glori..glori.. Bagi-Mu Yesus Allah yang kudus Selamanya Glori..glori Nyanyi Hosana Bagi Sang Raja.. Haleluya
Kerinduanku G Bm Em Bm Kerinduanku datang pada-Mu C Am D G Allah mulia mawar Sharon kucinta G Bm Em Bm Kaulah Rajaku dan sahabatku C D G Terindah termanis Engkau bagiku C D Bm Em Kusembah Kau dalam roh dan keb'naran C D Bm Em Kusembah Kau dalam roh dan keb'naran C Bm Am D G Tak seorangpun jua seperti Kau Yesus
Kuasa Darah-Mu Saat ku masuk ke hadirat-Mu Bawa persembahan ke tempat kudus-Mu Pujian kunaikan sembah kuberikan Bagi-Mu Allah yang mulia Kau layakanku menghampiri-Mu Melihat tahta kemuliaan-Mu Tuhan Pujian kunaikan sembah kuberikan Bagi-Mu Allah yang mulia Oleh kuasa darah-Mu Kau t'lah tebus dosaku Kekudusan-Mu melingkupiku Kasih-Mu mengalir memulihkan hidupku Sungguh besar anugrah-Mu Kau s'lamatkan hidupku Ku menjadi ciptaan yang baru Oleh Kuasa Darah-Mu
Kucari Wajah-Mu E A Gism A Kucari wajah-Mu temukan kasih-Mu Fism B E B Kau bukan Tuhan yang jauh dariku E A Gism A Ku panggil Nama-Mu kudengar jawab-Mu Fism Gism A B Kau Tuhan yang s'lalu dengar seruan hatiku E Sungguh indah Kau Tuhan Gism A Penuh kasih dan sayang Fism Gism Kau tempat penghiburan A B Bagi setiap hati yang terluka E Sungguh indah Kau Tuhan Gism A Menara perlindungan Fism Gism Kau sumber kekuatan A B E Bagi semua orang yang membutuhkan
Kudatang Dan Sujud Di Kaki-Mu Yesus C Kudatang dan | Am sujud | Dm di kaki-Mu | G Yesus |
Am sujud Dm di kaki-Mu G Yesus Hadirat- | Em Mu p'nuh | A sukacita | Dm |
Em Mu p'nuh A sukacitaDm Tiada | F lain | G tak seorang | Em pun s'perti | Am Kau Yesus | G |
F lain G tak seorangEm pun s'perti Am Kau YesusG Ku | Dm mau sujud me | G nyembah-Mu | C Yesus |
Dm mau sujud meG nyembah-Mu C Yesus
Kudatang Bersujud Di Tahta-Mu Ku | D datang ber | F#m sujud di | G tahta- | A Mu |
D datang berF#m sujud di G tahta-A Mu De | D ngan hati ber | F#m syukur me | G muji Nama- | A Mu |
D ngan hati berF#m syukur meG muji Nama-A Mu Sinar | F#m kemuliaan- | Bm Mu memenu | G hi di | A riku |
F#m kemuliaan-Bm Mu memenuG hi diA riku Di | D bawah ka | F#m ki-Mu ku | G tersung | A kur |
D bawah kaF#m ki-Mu kuG tersungA kur Kau | D angkat dan | F#m pelukku di | G dalam tangan- | A Mu |
D angkat dan F#m pelukku di G dalam tangan-A Mu Kura | F#m sakan hangat | Bm nya kasih- | C Mu ku berse | A ru |
F#m sakan hangatBm nya kasih-C Mu ku berseA ru A/E Kudus-kudus | D lah Al | F#m lah yang set | G ia |
D lah AlF#m lah yang setG ia Kuka | Em gum akan Eng | F#m kau |
Em gum akan EngF#m kau Ji | G waku berse | A ru o..Kudus | D lah |
G waku berseA ru o..KudusD lah G ia Em Kau | F#M lah yang | G layak | A disem | D bah |
F#M lah yang G layak A disemD bah Bb Kemanaku da | C pat pergi men | Bb jauhi kasih- | C MU |
C pat pergi menBb jauhi kasih-C MU Bb Walau ku lari | C dari-Mu Kau | Bb slalu serta | A ku | B |
C dari-Mu Kau Bb slalu sertaA ku B
Kujadi Baru C Di saat ku | Em hampiri hadirat- | F Mu yang | G kudus |
Em hampiri hadirat-F Mu yang G kudus C Tiada lain yang | Em kurindu |
Em kurindu Hanya | F lah jamahan ka | G sih-Mu |
F lah jamahan kaG sih-Mu F Engkau Yesus | Em yang sang | Am gup |
Em yang sangAm gup G hatiC Kau | F pulih | Em kan | Am jiwaku |
F pulihEm kan Am jiwaku G ru F bawaku | Em lebih | Am dalam |
Em lebih Am dalam Dm Ditempat | G Kau bertah | ta |
G Kau bertahta Me | F ngagu | E mi, me | Am muliakan |
F ngaguE mi, meAm muliakan -Mu Ura | F pan-Mu menga | Em lir dalam | Am ku |
F pan-Mu mengaEm lir dalamAm ku Bang | Dm kitkan kua | G sa- | C Mu |
Dm kitkan kuaG sa-C Mu Ha | F dirat-Mu kini | E melinku | E piku |
F dirat-Mu kini E melinkuE piku G di C baru
Kumasuk Kehadirat-Mu Ku masuk ke hadirat-Mu Di tempat kudus-Mu Tuhan Tiada kata-kata Selain puji dan sembah Saat saat ini Alangkah indahnya Tuhan Bersama-Mu s'lalu Memuji dan menyembah-Mu Engkau Tuhan pujianku Engkau Tuhan kemuliaanku Kekudusan-Mu penuhi tempat ini Kusembah Kau dalam bait-Mu Ku tersungkur di kaki-Mu Hingga kemuliaan-Mu 'kan nyata dalamku
Lebih Dari Segalanya Basuh aku di dalam darah-Mu anak domba Jamah bibir luruskan hatiku dengan roh-Mu Ku rindu kemuliaan Tuhan lebih dari segala harta Jadikanku hamba berkenan kepada-Mu Lebih dari segalanya ku ingin Kau Tuhan Mas, perak dan permata tiada artinya Ku ingin lebih dekat bersekutu dengan-Mu Jadikanku hamba setia kepada-Mu Abba Bapa, Abba Bapa Kau segalanya bagiku Kunaikkan syukur pada-Mu dengan segenap hatiku Abba Bapa kumengasihi-Mu
Lebih Dari Segalanya Kuberharap Pada-Mu C F C Em F Lebih dari segalanya kuberharap pada-Mu Dm G Am Dm C Bes G Lebih dari para penjaga mengharap fajar pagi C F C Em F Begitu rindu hatiku berada dekat-Mu Dm G Em Am Alangkah dalam kasih-Mu Bes G Memenuhi hidupku C Am F Em Tenanglah jiwaku dalam naungan sayap-Mu Dm Em F D G Menembus awan kelabu pandang kemuliaan-Mu C Am F Em Selalu kurindu lekat dalam hati-Mu Dm Em F G C Mengikuti rencana-Mu Yesus Tuhan Rajaku
Let God Arise Bm A G Let God Arise A Bm Let God Arise G A Bm Let His enemies be scattered G A Bm But let the righteous be glad G A Bm Yes let them rejoice with gladness G A Bm God has triumphed mightily
Light the Fire Again by Brian Doerksen
F C Don't let my love grow cold Gm Bb I'm calling out, light the fire again F C Don't let my vision die Gm Bb F C Gm Bb I'm calling out, light the fire again F C You know my heart, my deeds Gm Bb I'm calling out, light the fire again F C I need your discipline Gm Bb F I'm calling out, light the fire again Gm Dm Bb C I am here to buy gold refined in the fire Bb F C Naked and poor, wretched and blind I come Eb Bb Clothe me in white Csus Bb So I won't be ashamed F C Gm Bb Lord, light the fire again
©1994 Mercy Publishing.
Live For You by Sidney MohedeCipt. Sidney Mohede - 2000 One thing, one thing i desire Is to know you, as close as I can try Your love consumes my aching heart I will love you, not with just my words Or my hands, but Lord with all my heart I want to live for You alone I live for You Lord I live for You Lord I will serve You as my Master A living sacrifice I want to live for You alone Many are the words we say Many songs that we can sing But it's time we bring You something real Not just something that we feel or require But rather from the heart I want to live for You alone
Lord I LGive You My Heart This is my desire to honor You Lord with all my heart I worship You All I have within me I give You praise All that I adore is in You Lord I give You my heart I give You my soul, I live for You alone Every breath that I take Every moment I'm awake Lord have Your way in me
Lord I Lift Your Name on High Written by: Rick Founds G Lord I | C lift Your name on | D high | C D G |
C lift Your name on D high C D G G Lord I | C love to sing Your | D praises | C D G |
C love to sing Your D praises C D G I’m so | C glad You’re in my | D life | C D G |
C glad You’re in my D life C D G I’m so | C glad You came to | D save us | C D G |
C glad You came to D save us C D G You came from | C heaven to | D earth |
C heaven to D earth C show the G way From the | C earth to the | D cross |
C earth to the D cross C debt to G pay From the | C cross to the | D grave |
C cross to the D grave From the | Bm grave to the | C sky |
Bm grave to the C sky Lord I | D lift Your name on | G high |
D lift Your name on G high
Lord I Thirst On You Lord, I thirst on You I long to be in Your presence My soul will wait on You Father, draw me nearer.. draw me nearer In the beauty of Your holiness I will wait on You, Almighty God In the beauty of Your holiness I will worship You, Almighty God In the beauty of Your holiness
Lord I Worship You Di hadapan tahta kudusMu Ku tersungkur menyembahMu Persembahkan doa dan pujian Bagi Anak Domba Ku menyembahMu, kusembahMu Tuhan Ku menyembahMu, ya Allah yang kudus
Versi Indonesia: "Tuhan Ku Rindu" Tuhan ku rindu Masuk dalam hadirat-Mu Jiwaku menanti Bawaku mendekat kepada-Mu Dalam kemuliaan yang kudus Kunanti Engkau Allah kuasa Dalam kemuliaan yang kudus Kusembah Engkau Allah kuasa Dalam kemuliaan yang kudus
I will come to You with an open heart And bring a sacrifice of praise I have seen Your power in the Holy place And I have known Your mighty ways I will remember Your mercy And Lord Your faithfulness Lord Your goodness and Your love will follow me All the days of my life I'm surrounded with the favour of the Lord Always and forever
Love You So Much
(partial) (mp3 diambil dari Audible Faith). Words and Music by Rusell Fragar. Performed by Jacque DeShetler. Hear these praises From a greateful heart Each time I think of You The praises start Love You so much Jesus Love You so much Lord I love You And my soul sings Here in Your presence Carried on Your wings Love You so much Jesus Love You so much How my soul Longs for You Longs to worship You forever In Your power and majesty I lift my hands I lift my heart I lift my voice toward the heavens For You are my sun and shield Love You so much Jesus Love You so much © 1994 Russell Fragar/Hillsongs Australia
Lupakan Yang T'lah Lalu C Lupakan yang t'lah lalu Am Mengarah pada tujuan F Em G Dengan mata memandang Tuhan Yesus C Bertanding sampai menang Am Berlari sampai akhir F Em G Tanggalkan semua dosa yang merintangi Am G F Ku mau setia 'kan panggilanku Am G F S'bab Kau sanggup menjaga langkahku Am G F Pada janji-Mu ku percaya Dm Em Kau 'kan sempurnakan F G C Pekerjaan-Mu dalam ku
Mari Kita Semua Umat Pilihan Allah D Mari kita | F#m semua umat | G pilihan | A Allah |
F#m semua umat G pilihanA Allah D Dengarkan panggi | F#m lan-Nya |
F#m lan-Nya G 'Tuk menggenapi | A firman-Nya |
A firman-Nya G lah waktuA nya 'Tuk berdi | F# ri bagi | Bm bangsa ini |
F# ri bagi Bm bangsa ini Em Mari maju umat peme | A nang |
A nang D Ku kan | F#m bangkit nyata | G kan kemulia | A an-Nya |
F#m bangkit nyataG kan kemuliaA an-Nya D Ku kan | F#m bangkit nyata | G kan kebesar | A an-Nya |
F#m bangkit nyataG kan kebesarA an-Nya Sampai setiap | F#m lutut berte | Bm lut |
F#m lutut berteBm lut Em lidah mengaA ku Yesus | F#m Kristus Dialah Tu | Bm han |
F#m Kristus Dialah TuBm han Em segala raC ja A lah.... RaD ja
Masuk Hadirat-Nya C Masuk hadirat- | F Nya dengan hati ber | C syukur |
F Nya dengan hati berC syukur C Masuk ger | A bang-Nya de | D ngan puji | B an |
A bang-Nya deD ngan pujiB an A murlah bagi Dia Nyanyi | A kan nyanyian baru |
A kan nyanyian baru Bersu | D ka cita skarang tinggikan Dia (menyem | G bah Dia) |
D ka cita skarang tinggikan Dia (menyemG bah Dia) Saat | Dm hati bersyu | G kur dan jiwa | Em pun | Em bersuka |
Dm hati bersyuG kur dan jiwaEm pun Em bersuka Hadi | D at Allah nya | G ta dalam | C pujian |
D at Allah nyaG ta dalam C pujian Saat | D kami menyembah | G dan tangan | E pun terang | A kat |
D kami menyembah G dan tanganE pun terangA kat Tuhan | D hadir dalam | G pujian umat- | C Nya |
D hadir dalam G pujian umat-C Nya
Menyenangkan-Mu Tuhan ku mau menyenangkan-Mu Tuhan bentuklah hati ini Jadi bejana untuk hormat-Mu Cemerlang bagai emas murni Tuhan kuserahkan hatiku Semua kuberikan pada-Mu Kuduskan hingga tulus selalu Agar aku menyenangkan-Mu Menyenangkan-Mu, senangkan-Mu Hanya ini kerinduanku Menyenangkan-Mu, senangkan-Mu Hanya itu kerinduanku
Mulia Mulia Bagi Anak Domba Mulia..mulia bagi Anak Domba Mulia..mulia bagi Anak Domba S'bab Engkau mulia dan layak dipuji Yang duduk di tahta Dan yang akan Memerintah s'lamanya Atas semua yang di bumi
More Precious Than Silver by Lynn DeShazo
D Lord You | A are more | G precious than | D silver |
A are more G precious than D silver Lord You | A are more | G costly than | A gold |
A are more G costly than A gold D Lord You | A are more | G beautiful than | D diamond |
A are more G beautiful than D diamond And | Em nothing | D I | Em desire | A7 compares with | D You |
Em nothing D I Em desire A7 compares with D You
My Life Is In You Lord My | C life is in | D You Lord |
C life is in D You Lord My | Am strength is in | D You Lord |
Am strength is in D You Lord My | C hope is in | D You Lord |
C hope is in D You Lord C You it's in D You I'll | F praise You with | G all of my | C life |
F praise You with G all of my C life I'll | C praise You with | G all of my | Dm strength |
C praise You with G all of my Dm strength G all of my C life With | A all of my | Dm strength |
A all of my Dm strength Bb All of my | Dm hope is in | G You |
Dm hope is in G You
Nyanyi Puji Tuhan F ji TuC han Am Bangun bait | F kudus- | G Nya |
F kudus-G Nya Di tem | Dm pat | Em ini Yesus | F t'lah bang | E kit |
Dm pat Em ini Yesus F t'lah bangE kit Kemuli | Dm aan Tuhan | G dinyatakan |
Dm aan Tuhan G dinyatakan C | F kaci | G ta…Ba | Am ngun bait | F kudus- | G Nya |
F kaciG ta…BaAm ngun bait F kudus-G Nya Persem | Dm bahkan | E lah s'lur | F uh hidup | E mu |
Dm bahkanE lah s'lurF uh hidupE mu Ba | Dm gi kemulia | G an- | C Nya |
Dm gi kemuliaG an-C Nya F grah-Nya baG giku Am Kasih-Nya | E dicurah | Am kan |
E dicurahAm kan Sam | F but | E lah Dia | F juru se | E lamat |
F butE lah Dia F juru seE lamat Dm Bersoraklah | G ..bersorak | C lah.. |
G ..bersorakC lah..
Nyanyilah Dan Menarilah Bagi Sang Raja Nyanyilah dan menarilah Bagi sang Raja Nyanyilah dan menarilah Bagi sang Raja Angkatlah tangan-Mu Pujilah Dia Tinggikan Nama-Nya Sukacita Bersoraklah..hei.. Puji Tuhan Haleluya 2x Tinggikan selamanya..amin
Open The Eyes Of My Heart by Paul Baloche E5 Open the eyes of my heart Lord |
B4/D# Open the eyes of my heart |
I want to | A2/C# see You | A2 |
A2/C# see You A2 E see You E4 To see You | B high and lifted | C#m up |
B high and lifted C#m up A2 Shining in the light of Your | B4 glory |
B4 glory B Pour out Your power and | C#m love |
C#m love As we sing | F#m7(11) Holy, Holy, | B4 Holy |
F#m7(11) Holy, Holy, B4 Holy F#m7(11) Holy, Holy, | B4 Holy (3x) |
B4 Holy (3x) A2; I want to | E see You | E4 |
E see You E4
Potter's Hands By Hillsong's Australia
D=G C Beautiful Lord | Em Wonderful | F Savior |
Em Wonderful F Savior F sure G All of my days are | Em held in Your hand |
Em held in Your hand Am Crafted into Your | F per | Dm fect | G plan |
F perDm fect G plan C You gently call me | Em into Your | F presence |
Em into Your F presence F by To live | Am all of my life | F through Your | G eyes |
Am all of my life F through Your G eyes C I'm captured by Your | Em holy | F calling |
Em holy F calling G I know You're drawing | Em me to Yourself |
Em me to Yourself Am Lead me | F Lord | Dm I | G pray |
F Lord Dm IG pray G mold me Em me I | Bb give my life | Em to the Potter's | G hand |
Bb give my life Em to the Potter's G hand G guide me Am Lead me walk be | Em side me |
Em side me I | Bb give my life | Am to the Potter's | G hand | C |
Bb give my life Am to the Potter's G handC
Power of Your Love
(full version) (mp3 diambil dari New Life Community Church) G Lord I | Bm come to | Em You |
Bm come to Em You Let my heart be | Bm changed re | Em newed |
Bm changed reEm newed C grace D found in Em You G Lord I've | Bm come to | Em know |
Bm come to Em know The weaknesses I | Bm see in | Em me |
Bm see in Em me C awayD By the power of Your | G love |
G love C Hold me | D close let Your love sur | C round | G me |
D close let Your love surC round G me C Bring me | D near draw me to | G Your side |
D near draw me to G Your side And | C as I | D wait I'll rise up like an | C ea | G gle |
C as I D wait I'll rise up like an C eaG gle And I will soar with | Em You |
Em You Your spirit leads me | C on in the | D power of Your | G love |
C on in the D power of Your G love
Rajawali A Aku ingin se | Bm lalu | E berada di hadi | ratnya |
Bm lalu E berada di hadiratnya Aku ingin se | Bm lalu ber | E lindung |
Bm lalu berE lindung A ung-A7 Mu Dibawah ke | D pak sayap | E -Mu |
D pak sayapE -Mu Kau bawa | Cm# ku terbang ting | F#m gi |
Cm# ku terbang tingF#m gi Melintasi | Bm langit biru bagai | E kan rajawa | A li |
Bm langit biru bagaiE kan rajawaA li Bagai | Bm Rajawali | E melintasi | A gunung ting | Fism gi |
Bm Rajawali E melintasi A gunung tingFism gi Bagai ra | Bm jawa | E li melinta | A si badai hidu | A7 p |
Bm jawaE li melintaA si badai hiduA7 p Diba | D wah kepak sayap- | E Mu |
D wah kepak sayap-E Mu Kau bawa | C#m ku terbang ting | F#m gi |
C#m ku terbang tingF#m gi Melinta | Bm si langit biru bagai | E kan rajawa | A li |
Bm si langit biru bagaiE kan rajawaA li
Roh Kudus Hadir Disini D A Roh kudus hadir disini G A Mengalir dibait suci Bm A Perkara ajaibpun terjadi G Kuasa mujizat nyata Em A Karna Roh Allah sedang bekerja D F#m Tiada yang mustahil G Dan tiada yang sukar Em F#m G A Bila Roh Allah turut bekerja D F#m Tiada yang mustahil G Bagi orang percaya Em F#m G A Bila roh Allah turut bekerja A D Diantara kita
Rumah Doa C Ku bawa hidupku skarang |
Ke | Am tempat kudus- | Dm Mu Tuhan |
Am tempat kudus- Dm Mu Tuhan Di mesbah-Mu | F Em kuserahkan | Dm seluruh | G C hidupku |
F Em kuserahkan Dm seluruh G C hidupku Am Dengan urapan | Dm yang baru |
Dm yang baru Agar aku | F lebih | Em lagi | Dm mendengar | G C suara-Mu |
F lebih Em lagi Dm mendengar G C suara-Mu C Aku Tuhan F doa-Mu Dm Agar semua | Em suku | Am bangsa |
Em suku Am bangsa Dm Sujud | F menyembah- | G Mu |
F menyembah- G Mu C Aku Tuhan F doa-Mu Dm Agar semua | G suku | C bangsa | F |
G suku C bangsa F C menyembah-Mu
Saat Indah Saat indah kuberhadapan dengan-Mu Memandang wajah-Mu Yesus kekasih jiwaku Bawa daku erat dalam pelukan-Mu Menikmati kasih dan indahnya hadirat-Mu Hadirat-Mu Tuhan kurasakan Kekudusan-Mu Bapa penuhiku Kurindu selalu diam dalam bait-Mu Menikmati kasih anugrah-Mu
Saat Ini Saat Indah Saat ini saat indah Ku memuji dan menyembah Hadirat-Mu kurasakan Saatku sembah Kau Saat ini saat Tuhan Kau curahkan urapan-Mu Hadirat-Mu kurasakan Saat ku sembah Kau Hadirat-Mu kurasakan Saat ini….saat ini Urapan-Mu kurasakan Saat aku menyembah Kau Tuhan
Saat ku masuk ke hadirat-Mu C Saat ku masuk ke ha | Dm dirat-Mu |
Dm dirat-Mu G Ku tersungkur dan | C sembah-Mu |
C sembah-Mu C Kupersembahkan korban | Dm syukurku |
Dm syukurku C Mu C Ku bawa | F korban syukur | G .. |
F korban syukurG .. Ke | C tempat | F kudus-Mu | G Tuhan |
C tempat F kudus-Mu G Tuhan Hatiku limpah | F dengan syu | G kur |
F dengan syuG kur F han baG ik
Satu Hal Yang Kurindu C Satu hal | Bm yang | Am ku rindu |
Bm yang Am ku rindu F Ber | E diam | Dm di dalam rumah- | G Mu |
E diam Dm di dalam rumah-G Mu C Satu hal | Bm yang ku pin | Am ta |
Bm yang ku pinAm ta F Menikmati Bait-Mu | C Tuhan |
C Tuhan C Lebih baik | Am satu hari di pe | F lataran- | F Mu |
Am satu hari di peF lataran-F Mu F Daripada s'ri | G bu hari di tem | C pat lain |
G bu hari di temC pat lain C Memuji-Mu | Am menyembah-Mu |
Am menyembah-Mu F Kau Allah yang | Bb hidup |
Bb hidup C Dan me | Am nikmati s'mua | F kemu | G rahan- | C Mu |
Am nikmati s'mua F kemuG rahan-C Mu
Sbab Kau Besar Kubri kemuliaan dan hormat Kuangkat suara pujian Kuagungkan nama-Mu Sbab Kau Besar Perbuatan-Mu ajaib Tiada seperti Engkau (2x)
Sbab Tuhan Baik C Masuk gerbang-Nya bersyukur |
Am Bersuka di hadirat-Nya |
Nyanyi be | F sarkan agung nama | -Nya |
F sarkan agung nama -Nya Puji | C Dia tiuplah sangkakala |
C Dia tiuplah sangkakala Semua | Am mahluk di bumi di surga |
Am mahluk di bumi di surga Dengan | F sgnap hati angkat pu | C jian |
F sgnap hati angkat puC jian Sbab | F Tuhan baik, sbab Tu | Em han baik |
F Tuhan baik, sbab TuEm han baik Dm han baik Anu | G grah-Nya kekal selama | C nya |
G grah-Nya kekal selamaC nya
Sejauh Timur Dari Barat Sejauh timur dari barat Engkau membuang dosaku Tiada Kau ingat lagi perlanggaranku Jauh kedalam jubir laut Kau melemparkan dosaku Tiada Kau perhintungkan kesalahanku Betapa besar kasih pengampunanmu Tuhan Tak kau pandang hina hati yang hancur Ku berterimakasih kepada-Mu ya Tuhan Pengampunan yang Kau beri pulihkanku
Sgala Puji Syukur G Sgala puji | D syukur hanya | C bagi-Mu | G Tuhan |
D syukur hanya C bagi-Mu G Tuhan G Sebab Kau yang | A layak | D dipuja |
A layak D dipuja G Kami mau bersorak tinggi | C kan Nama- | G Mu |
C kan Nama- G Mu D G ya D G ya
Shine, Jesus Shine Graham Kendrik
(partial) (mp3 diambil dari Audible Faith)
G C G D Lord, the light of your love is shining G C G D In the midst of the darkness, shining; C D Bm Em Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us, C D G Em Set us free by the truth you now bring us C D C D Shine on me, shine on me. Chorus: G D G C Shine, Jesus, shine Am7 D4 D D2 D Fill this land with the Father's glory G D G C Blaze, Spirit, blaze Am7 D D4 Set our hearts on fire. G D G C Flow, river, flow, Am7 D4 D D2 D Flood the nations with grace and mercy G D G C Send forth your word Am7 D G C D C G Lord, and let there be light. Lord, I come to your awesome presence, From the shadows into your radiance By the blood I may enter your brightness, Search me, try me, consume all my darkness. Shine on me, shine on me. (chorus) As we gaze on your kingly brightness So our faces display your likeness Ever changing from glory to glory Mirrored here may our lives tell your story. Shine on me, shine on me. (chorus)
© 1987 Make Way Music
Shout To The Lord Darlene Zschech
A E My Jesus, my Savior F#m E D Lord there is none like You A/C# D A/E All of my days, I want to praise, F#m G D/F# E The wonders of Your migh-ty love A E My comfort, my shelter, F#m E D Tower of refuge and strength, A/C# D A/E Let every breath, all that I am, F#m G D/F# E Never cease to wor-ship You A F#m D E Shout to the Lord all the earth, let us sing A F#m D E Power and majesty, praise to the King F#m D Mountains bow down and the seas will roar, E F#m E/G# E At the sound of Your name A F#m D E I sing for joy at the works of Your hand A F#m D E Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand F#m D E A E Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
©1993 Hillsongs Australia.
Silent Night Franz Gruber
G Silent night, Holy night, D7 G All is calm, all is bright C G Round you Virgin Mother and Child. C G Holy Infant so tender and mild, D7 G Sleep in heavenly peace, D7 G Sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night, Holy night. Shepherds quake at the sight. Glories stream from heaven afar, Heav'nly hosts sing, "Alleluia!" Christ, the Savior is born. (2x) Silent night, Holy night. Son of God, Love's pure Light, Radiant beams from Thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord at Thy birth.
S'karang Waktunya Kita diutus untuk berdiri teguh Dimanapun kita t’lah ditempatkan Sebagai laskar Kerajaan Allah Untuk menghalau kuasa gelap dan menuai jiwa Karna kita t’lah ditebus Dengan darah-Nya yang kudus Untuk pekerjaan mulia Bersiaplah bagi Dia S’karang waktunya Menyatakan iman kita ditengah dunia Bahwa Yesuslah Tuhan Berapapun harga yang harus kita bayarkan Tak dapat melampaui anugrah-Nya yang mulia S’karang waktunya Membawa kesaksian kita ditengah dunia Dan tetaplah setia Berapapun harga yang harus kita bayarkan Terlebih mulia mahkota tersedia
Sungai Sukacita E A E Sungai sukacita-Mu mengalir dalamku E A E Anggur sukacita-Mu melimpah dalamku A E Cism A Kumenari dan bersuka pujiHu di setiap waktu E B E Sebab sungai sukacita-Mu ada dalamku B E Mengalir bersama-Mu bersuka di dalam-Mu B E Mengikuti-Mu Tuhan dalam kegerakan-Mu B E Melayani-Mu Tuhan di dalam sukacita-Mu A B E S'bab hanya Tuhan yang membuat sukacitaku penuh
Tiada Terukur Tiada terukur besar kasih setia-Mu Tuhan Panjang dan lebarnya melebihi lautan Jauh tinggi mengatasi langit Dalamnya tak dapat kuselami Kasih setia-Mu besar selamanya (2X) Hatiku bersyukur Jiwaku memuji Mulutku pun bersorak Memuji Engkau Yesus Ajaib perbuatan-Mu Besar anug'rah-Mu Takkan berhenti kumemuji Nama-Mu
Time Of Refreshing Time of refreshing Here in Your presence There's no greater blessing Than being with You My soul is restored my mind is renewed There's no greater joy Lord Than being with You
Thank You For The Cross F Thank you for the | Am Cross the Mighty | Bes Cross |
Am Cross the Mighty Bes Cross That | Gm God Himself should die for such as | C us |
Gm God Himself should die for such as C us And eve | F ryday we're chan | Am ged |
F ryday we're chanAm ged Into Your | Bes image | Am more and | Gm more |
Bes image Am more and Gm more C by the Cross We've truly been trans | F formed | C7 |
F formedC7 We're | F so ama | Em zed and we | Bes give You praise |
F so amaEm zed and we Bes give You praise That | Gm You would save | C us at such a | F cost |
Gm You would save C us at such a F cost We're | Dm so amazed and we | Gm give You praise |
Dm so amazed and we Gm give You praise For the | C power of the | Dm cross | G |
C power of the Dm crossG
There Is None Like You C There is | Em none like | Am You | G |
Em none like Am You G F No one | Em else can touch my | Dm heart like | G You do |
Em else can touch my Dm heart like G You do C I could | Em search all e | F ternity long and | C find there is | G none like | C You |
Em search all e F ternity long and C find there is G none like C You Your | Am mercies flows like a | Em river wide |
Am mercies flows like a Em river wide And | F healings | G comes from Your | C hand |
F healings G comes from Your C hand Am Suffering children are | Em safe in your | Am arms |
Em safe in your Am arms F There is | D none like | G You |
D none like G You
Think About His Love Key: D Mode: Worship
D Think about His love G Think about His goodness D Think about His grace A That has brought us through G7 F#m For as high as the heaven's above Em7 So great is the measure G7 A of our Father's love G7 Great is the measure G D of our Father's love G7 A D How could I forget His love G7 A D How could I forget His mercy Bm F#m He satisfies, He satisfies G Em7 A He satisfies, my desires Even when I've strayed away His love has sought me out and found me He satisfies, He satisfies He satisfies my desires
This Is My Desire Transcribed by: Tim S. []
G Em C Am D This is my desire, to honour You, G Em Lord with all my heart, F D I worship You, G Em C Am D All I have within me, I give You praise, G Em F D All that I adore, is in You, G D Lord I give You my heart, Em I give You my soul, C D G I live for You alone, D Every breath that I take, Bm Every moment I'm awake, C D G Lord have Your way in me.
This Is The Day Am I will | F rejoice and | G celebrate |
F rejoice and G celebrate C rejoice (2x) C celebrate Am me F He's the | G lover of my | C soul |
G lover of my C soul C His overflowing | Am mercies |
Am mercies F Are brand | G new | C everyday |
G new C everyday
Tiada Yang Mustahil Roh Kudus hadir disini Mengalir di bait Suci Perkara ajaibpun terjadi Kuasa mujizat nyata Kar'na Roh Kudus Allah sedang bekerja Tiada yang mustahil Dan tiada yang sukar Bila Roh Allah turut bekerja Tiada yang mustahil Bagi orang percaya Kar'na Roh Allah turut bekerja Diantara kita
Tinggikan Diri-Mu C Ku bersyukur pada- | Em Mu | F Tuhan |
Em Mu F Tuhan G Mu C Ku bermazmur bagi | Em Nama- | F Mu |
Em Nama- F Mu G kudus Dm Sbab Engkau | Em kebenaranku |
Em kebenaranku F kupercaya Dm Betapa mulianya | Em Tuhanku |
Em Tuhanku G kan C Tinggikan diri- | G Mu | Am mengatasi | F langit |
G Mu Am mengatasi F langit Dm Kebesaran-Mu | Em Tuhan | F mengatasi | G bumi |
Em Tuhan F mengatasi G bumi C Tinggikan diri- | G Mu | Em mengatasi | F langit |
G Mu Em mengatasi F langit Dm Kemuliaan- | Em Mu | F Tuhan | Dm F mengatasi | G C bumi |
Em Mu F Tuhan Dm F mengatasi G C bumi
Trading My Sorrows A D F#m7 E I'm trading my sorrows A D F#m7 E I'm trading my shame A D F#m7 E A D F#m7 E I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord A D F#m7 E I'm trading my sickness A D F#m7 E I'm trading my pain A D F#m7 E A D F#m7 E I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord A D F#m7 E Yes Lord, Yes Lord Yes Yes Lord A D F#m7 E Yes Lord, Yes Lord Yes Yes Lord A D F#m7 E Yes Lord, Y&es Lord Yes Yes Lord A D F#m7 E Amen A D I'm pressed but not crushed F#m7 E Persecuted not abandoned A D F#m7 E struck down but not destroyed A D I'm blessed beyond the curse F#m7 E For his promise will endure A D F#m7 E That his joy's gonna be my strength E A E Though the sorrow may last for a night D sus D His joy comes with the morning
Tuhan Adalah Kekuatanku G Am Tuhan adalah kekuatanku D G Bersama Dia ku tak akan goyah C D Bm Em Ku kan terbang tinggi bagai rajawali A D Melakukan perkara yang besar G Em Am D Ku kan terbang tinggi bagai rajawali G Em Am D Dan melayang tinggi dalam kemuliaan-Nya C D C G Biar bumi bergoncang dan badai menerpa C D G Ku kan terbang tinggi bersama Dia
Tuhan curahkan Roh-Mu / Great Awakening Tuhan curahkan Roh-Mu Atas manusia di bumi Biar anak-anak-Mu Menyampaikan nubuatan Bri mimpi dan penglihatan Nyatakan isi hati-Mu Biar iman kami bangkit Surga nyatakan kedatangan hari-Mu Kan ada kebangkitan yang besar Kan ada pemulihan di neg'ri kami Kan ada kebangkitan yang besar Yang berseru kepada Yesus dis'lamatkan Lord, pour out Your Spirit On all the people of the earth Let Your sons and daughters Speak Your words of prophesy Send us dreams and visions Reveal the secret of Your heart Lord our faith is rising Let all heaven sound the coming of Your day There's gonna be a great awakening There's gonna be a great revival in our land There's gonna be a great awakening And everyone who calls on Jesus They will be saved
Tuhan Raja Maha Besar Tuhan raja maha besar Mari datang menyembah Dia Dia pencipta dunia ini Dia membentuk gunung-gunung Kehadirat-Nya datanglah Nyanyi syukur pada-Nya Dengan bersuka, bernyanyilah Dia batu kes'lamatan, puji Dia Tuhan raja maha besar
Urapan-Mu Mengubah Hidupku C Datang | Am Roh Kudus | F Kau kurin | G du |
Am Roh Kudus F Kau kurinG du C Dengan | Em minyak yang ba | F ru urapi | G ku |
Em minyak yang baF ru urapiG ku F Mengalir | Em penuhiku | Em Mengalir | Am pulihkanku |
Em penuhiku Em Mengalir Am pulihkanku F Kuasa-Mu be | G baskan hidup | C ku |
G baskan hidupC ku Satu yang kurindu Bersekutu dengan-Mu Bawaku lebih lagi tinggal di dalam-Mu Nikmati hadirat-Mu jamahlah sluruh hidupku Urapan-Mu mengubah hidupku
Use Me Lord I'm so grateful You have chosen me You've created me to be Your vessel Anoint me with Your spirit As today, Your spirit calls me To share that You have risen So here I am, Jesus use me Send me to the nations Use my hands to heal the people Use my mouth to comfort them Use my joy to show Your beauty Let them see You in me Use my heart to give them hope Use my day to show Your truth Use my life to be Your light Til the day when You come
Wall of Jericho People of Israel marched around the city Seven times they marched around the wall of Jericho Glory to God! they shouted together Down came the wall of Jericho
We Are The Reason As little children we would dream of Christmas morn And all the gifts and toys we knew we'd find But we never realized a baby born one blessed night Gave us the greatest gift of our lives And we were the reason that He gave His life We were the reason that He suffered and died To a world that was lost He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live As the years went by we learned more about gifts And giving of ourselves and what that means On a dark and cloudy day a man hung crying in the rain Because of love, because of love And we are the reason that He gave His life We are the reason that He suffered and died To a world that was lost He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live I finally found the reason for living It's in giving every part of my heart to Him In all that I do every word that I say I'll be giving my all just for Him For Him And we are the reason that He gave His life We are the reason that He suffered and died To a world that was lost He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live He is my reason to live
We Want To See D We want to see | A Jesus lifted | Bm high |
A Jesus lifted Bm high A | G banner that flies a | A cross this | D land |
G banner that flies aA cross this D land D That all men might | A see the | Bm truth and know |
A see the Bm truth and know He is the | G way to | A Heaven | D |
G way to A HeavenD We want to | A see .. | Bm ..(3x) .. |
A see .. Bm ..(3x) .. A lifted D high D Step by | A step we're moving | Bm forward |
A step we're movingBm forward Litle by | G,br>litle we're | A taking | D ground |
G,br>litle we're A taking D ground Eve | D ry prayer a | A powerful | Bm weapon |
D ry prayer a A powerful Bm weapon Strongholds | G come tumbling | A down .. and down .. and down.. |
G come tumbling A down .. and down .. and down..
Wonderful Day Today I Will Walk with my hands in God Today I will trust in Him and not be afraid For He will be there, for He will be there Every moment to share, on this wonderful day He has made Hari bahagia dalam hidupku Berjalan bersamaMu Yesus Tuhanku Sbab Kau sertaku, slalu sertaku Sepanjang hidupku bahagia selalu Sertaku
Ya Roh Kudus Kuhaus Pada-Mu Rohul Kudus ku haus pada-Mu Puaskan s'karang kerinduanku Rohul Kudus Kau menuntunku Pimpin langkahku ku taat slalu Nyatakan kemuliaan-Mu Di tempat ini Ya Tuhan Allahku b'riku belas kasihan-Mu Bangkitkan Roh-Mu didalamku Nyatakan kuasa Nama-MU Yesuslah Tuhan Yesuslah Tuhan Bagi s'mua bangsa English: Holy spirit, I thirst after You
Come and quench me Lord I long for you more Holy Spirit, I follow Your way Come and lead me Lord Your servant obey For I long to see Your glory Fill this earth With Your mighty way Oh my God give me a passion For the world Come arise Your spirit within me To declare Your name in this world Jesus Christ is the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord Over all the earth
Yesus Kau Telah Memulai C Yesus Kau | G telah memulai |
G telah memulai C Sgala yang | G baik dalamku |
G baik dalamku Em Engkau menjadikan | Am ku | F serupa gambaran- | Fm Mu |
Am ku F serupa gambaran- Fm Mu F Dan berharga di | G mata-Mu |
G mata-Mu C Yesus Kau | G telah memulai |
G telah memulai C Karya yang | G indah dalamku |
G indah dalamku Em Kau berikan hidup | Am Mu sbagai | F ganti dosa | Fm ku |
Am Mu sbagai F ganti dosa Fm ku F Karna kasih-Mu | G padaku |
G padaku Em Mu F mulia F Yang tak pernah | Em meninggal | Am kan |
Em meninggal Am kan G Mu C Skarang kumenyembah | Em Mu |
Em Mu F mulia G Sempurnakan s'gnap hidupku |
Bb indah bagi C Mu
Yesus Kurayakan Kemenangan-Mu C Yesus | G | ku | Am rayakan | G | C ke | G mna | Am ngan- | G Mu |
G kuAm rayakanG C keG mnaAm ngan-G Mu C Yesus | G | ku | Am girang | G | F da | D lam- | G Mu |
G ku Am girangG F daD lam-G Mu C Yesus | G | Kau | Am tlah | G | C be | G bas | Am kan | G Aku |
G Kau Am tlahG C beG basAm kan G Aku C Yesus | G | Kau | F bri hi | G dup | F baru |
G Kau F bri hiG dup F baru F Kemerdekaan | G | Kris | Em tus b'rikan ki | Am ta |
G KrisEm tus b'rikan kiAm ta F Tak perlu | G tunduk pa | F da kuk perbuda | G kan |
G tunduk paF da kuk perbudaG kan F Kita bergi | G rang | Em S'bab Allah Men | Am ang |
G rang Em S'bab Allah MenAm ang F Kita menyam | D but kasih- | G Nya... Kasih-Nya |
D but kasih-G Nya... Kasih-Nya English:
Jesus we celebrate Your victory Jesus we revel in Your love Jesus we rejoice you've set us free Jesus Your death has brought us life It was for freedom that Christ has set free No longer to be subject to the yoke of slavery So we're rejoicing in God's victory Our hearts responding to His His love
Yesus Tuhan Allah yang perkasa C Yesus | Am Tuhan | F Allah yang | G perkasa |
Am Tuhan F Allah yang G perkasa C S'gala | Am kuasa ditangan | G Nya |
Am kuasa ditangan G Nya F Dia Tuhan s'gala | G Tuhan |
G Tuhan Am raja sgala raja Kuasa | Dm Nya tetap | G sama |
Dm Nya tetap G sama C Yesus | Am Tuhan | F Allah yang | G berkuasa |
Am Tuhan F Allah yang G berkuasa C Dulu | Am skarang dan slama | G nya |
Am skarang dan slama G nya F Dia Tuhan s'gala | G Tuhan |
G Tuhan Am raja sgala raja Kuasa | Dm Nya tetap | G sama |
Dm Nya tetap G sama Kupuji | F Kau | Em Tuhan | F dengan ke | G kuatan | C ku |
F Kau Em Tuhan F dengan ke G kuatan C ku C Kuasa Mu nyata dalam hidup ini |
C Kusembah Kau Tuhan, baik siang dan malam |
Yesus Raja damai O, Yesusku Engkaulah Raja Damai Kau turun ke dunia S'lamatkan manusia O, Yesusku Kau Tuhan penuh kasih Kau b'rikan hidupMu 'Tuk tebus dosaku Kaulah Allah yang kupuji Kaulah Allah yang kusembah Kemuliaan bagiMu ditempat Maha Tinggi Yang terutama di dalam hidup ini Meninggikan nama Yesus Yang terutama di dalam hidup ini Memuliakan namaNya Haleluya haleluya Saya mau cinta Yesus Haleluya haleluya Saya mau cinta Yesus
You Are Awesome In This Place C As I come into Your presence |
F Pass the gate of praise |
F Till we're standing face to face |
Dm I look upon Your countenance |
F I see the fullness of Your | C grace |
C grace Dm And I can only bow down and | G say |
G say C You are awesome in this place |
Dm You are awesome in this place |
You are worthy of all praise |
Dm To you our live we | Fm raise |
Fm raise F You are | G awesome in this | C place mighty God |
G awesome in this C place mighty God
You Are Holy D holy..Bm holy G Lord there is | Em none like | A You |
Em none like A You D holy..Bm holy A You aloD ne D I'll sing Your | F#m praises fo | G re | Dm ver |
F#m praises foG reDm ver Em Deeper in | D love with | C You |
D love with C You F#m court Where I'm | G close to your throne |
G close to your throne Em I know where | A I be | D long |
A I beD long
You Are My King (Amazing Love) by Billy James Foote
D/F# I'm forgi | G2 ven be | Asus cause You were for | A saken |
G2 ven beAsus cause You were forA saken D/F# And I'm ac | G2 cepted, | Asus You were cond | A emned |
G2 cepted, Asus You were condA emned D/F# And I'm ali | G2 ve and well |
G2 ve and well Your | Asus Spirit is wi | A thin me |
Asus Spirit is wiA thin me Be | G2 cause You | A died and rose a | D gain |
G2 cause You A died and rose aD gain D Amazing love, | G how can it be |
G how can it be D That You, my King, would die for | Asus me | A |
Asus me A D Amazing love, | G I know it's true |
G I know it's true D And it's my joy to honor | Asus you | A |
Asus you A In all I | G do... | A I honor | D You |
G do...A I honor D You
You Are Worthy O God You are worthy You are worthy O God And I will worship You For You are worthy I will worship You For You are worthy You are mighty You are mighty O God And I will worship You For You are mighty And I will worship You For You are mighty You reign You reign O God And I will worship You You reign forever And I will worship You For You are holy You are worthy You are worthy O God And I will worship You For You are holy And I will worship You For You are mighty And I will worship You You reign forever And I will worship You For You are worthy
Your Steadfast Love Your steadfast love extends to the heavens Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds Your righteousness is like majestic mountains And Your wisdom like the depths of the sea And You come to me Filling my heart with Your loving kindness I find my peace in the shadow of Your wings I eat my fill from abundance in Your household And I drink from the stream of rejoicing You are my King
Thanks to Martin for the songs chords! Guitar Chords
A: X02220 Am: X02210 A7: X02020 Am7: X02010 Asus2: X02200 Asus4: X02230 A7sus4: X02030 A6: X02222 Am6: X02212 Amaj7: X02120 Adim: XX1212 A+: XX3221 A5: 57XXXX A13: X03033 | A#: X13331 A#m: X13321 A#7: X13131 A#m7: X13121 A#sus2: X13311 A#sus4: X13341 A#6: X13333 A#m6: X13323 A#maj7: X13231 A#dim: XX2323 A#+: XX4332 A#5: X13XXX | B: X24442 Bm: X24432 B7: X21202 Bm7: X24232 Bsus2: X24422 Bsus4: X24400 B6: X24444 Bm6: X24434 Bmaj7: X24342 Bdim: XX3434 B+: XX5443 B5: X24XXX B9: X21222 |
C: X32010 Cm: X35543 C7: X32310 Cm7: X35343 Csus2: X35533 Csus4: X35563 C6: X35555 Cm6: X35545 Cmaj7: X32000 Cdim: XX1212 C+: XX6554 C5: X35XXX C9: X32333 | C#: X46664 C#m: X46654 C#7: X46464 C#m7: X46454 C#sus2: X46644 C#sus4: X46674 C#6: X46666 C#m6: X46656 C#maj7: X46564 C#dim: XX2323 C#+: XX3221 C#5: X46XXX C#9: X43444 | D: XX0232 Dm: XX0231 D7: XX0212 Dm7: XX0211 Dsus2: XX0230 Dsus4: XX0233 D6: XX0202 Dm6: XX0201 Dmaj7: XX0222 Ddim: XX3434 D+: XX4332 D5: X57XXX D9: X54555 |
D#: X65343 D#m: XX4342 D#7: XX1323 D#m7: XX1322 D#sus2: X57755 D#sus4: X57785 D#6: XX1313 D#m6: XX1312 D#maj7: XX1333 D#dim: XX1212 D#+: XX5443 D#5: XX13XX D#9: X65666 | E: 022100 Em: 022000 E7: 020100 Em7: 022030 Esus4: 022200 E7sus4: 020200 E6: 022120 Em6: 022020 Emaj7: 021100 Edim: XX2323 E+: XX6554 E5: 02XXXX E13: 020120 | F: 133211 Fm: 133111 F7: 131211 Fm7: 131111 Fsus4: 133311 F6: 133231 Fm6: 133131 Fmaj7: 132211 Fdim: XX3434 F+: XX3221 F5: 13XXXX |
F#: 244322 F#m: 244222 F#7: 242322 F#m7: 242222 F#sus4: 244422 F#6: 244342 F#m6: 244242 F#maj7: 243322 F#dim: XX1212 F#+: XX4332 F#5: 24XXXX | G: 320003 Gm: 355333 G7: 320001 Gm7: 353333 Gsus4: 320013 G6: 320000 Gm6: 355353 Gmaj7: 320002 Gdim: XX2323 G+: XX5443 G5: 35XXXX G6/9: XX2233 | G#: 466544 G#m: 466444 G#7: 464544 G#m7: 464444 G#sus4: 466644 G#6: 466564 G#m6: 466464 G#maj7: 465544 G#dim: XX3434 G#+: XX6554 G#5: 46XXXX |
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