Chord Piano Lengkap Pdf
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Free Piano Chords Chart

In search of a piano chords chart? You will find various chord charts here. Learn how to build major, minor, diminished, diminished seventh, augmented, suspended fourth, seventh suspended fourth, dominant seventh, minor seventh, major seventh, minor sixth and major sixth piano chords.
For more advanced chords, such as 9th, 11th and 13th chords, check out the main piano chords section.
To learn more about chords, check out my course, Piano Chords: How To Form Basic Chords On Piano And Keyboard.
Major Chords Chart
Learn how to build all 12 major chords with this basic chord chart.
- C major – C E G
- C# major – C# E# G#
- D major – D F# A
- Eb major – Eb G Bb
- E major – E G# B
- F major – F A C
- F# major – F# A# C#
- G major – G B D
- Ab major – Ab C Eb
- A major – A C# E
- Bb major – Bb D F
- B major – B D# F#
Highly Recommended: Click here for the BEST piano/keyboard course I’ve come across online.
Minor Piano Chords Chart
Learn how to build all 12 minor chords with this basic piano chords chart.
- C minor – C Eb G
- C# minor – C# E G#
- D minor – D F A
- Eb minor – Eb Gb Bb
- E minor – E G B
- F minor – F Ab C
- F# minor – F# A C#
- G minor – G Bb D
- Ab minor – Ab Cb(B) Eb
- A minor – A C E
- Bb minor – Bb Db F
- B minor – B D F#
I recommend…
Piano For All gets my highest recommendation on this site for learning to play the piano. This piano program places particular emphasis on learning to play piano chords and chord progressions. Go here to check out the Pianoforall piano course.
How to Form Diminished Piano Chords
- C diminished – C Eb Gb
- C# diminished – C# E G
- D diminished – D F Ab
- Eb diminished – Eb Gb Bbb(A)
- E diminished – E G Bb
- F diminished – F Ab Cb(B)
- F# diminished – F# A C
- G diminished – G Bb Db
- Ab diminished – Ab Cb Ebb(D)
- A diminished – A C Eb
- Bb diminished – Bb Db Fb(E)
- B diminished – B D F
Diminished Piano Chords Diminished piano chords chart
How to build Diminished 7th Piano Chords
- C diminished seventh – C Eb Gb Bbb(A)
- C# diminished seventh – C# E G Bb
- D diminished seventh – D F Ab Cb(B)
- Eb diminished seventh – Eb Gb Bbb(A) Dbb(C)
- E diminished seventh – E G Bb Db
- F diminished seventh – F Ab Cb(B) Ebb(D)
- F# diminished seventh – F# A C Eb
- G diminished seventh – G Bb Db Fb(E)
- Ab diminished seventh – Ab Cb Ebb(D) Gbb(F)
- A diminished seventh – A C Eb Gb
- Bb diminished seventh – Bb Db Fb(E) Abb(G)
- B diminished seventh – B D F Ab
How to Form Augmented Piano Chords
- C augmented – C E G#
- C# augmented – C# E#(F) G##(A)
- D augmented – D F# A#
- Eb augmented – Eb G B
- E augmented – E G# B#(C)
- F augmented – F A C#
- F# augmented – F# A# C##(D)
- G augmented – G B D#
- Ab augmented – Ab C E
- A augmented – A C# E#(F)
- Bb augmented – Bb D F#
- B augmented – B D♯ F##(G)
Augmented Piano Chords Augmented piano chords chart.
Learn to play chords on piano with Piano For All lessons.
Dominant Seventh Piano Chords
- C dominant seventh – C E G Bb
- C# dominant seventh – C# E#(F) G# B
- D dominant seventh – D F# A C
- Eb dominant seventh – Eb G Bb Db
- E dominant seventh – E G# B D
- F dominant seventh – F A C Eb
- F# dominant seventh – F# A# C# E
- G dominant seventh – G B D F
- Ab dominant seventh – Ab C Eb Gb
- A dominant seventh – A C# E G
- Bb dominant seventh – Bb D F Ab
- B dominant seventh – B D# F# A
Dominant 7th Piano Chords Dominant 7th piano chords chart.
Minor Seventh Piano Chords
- C minor seventh – C Eb G Bb
- C# minor seventh – C# E G# B
- D minor seventh – D F A C
- Eb minor seventh – Eb Gb Bb Db
- E minor seventh – E G B D
- F minor seventh – F Ab C Eb
- F# minor seventh – F# A C# E
- G minor seventh – G Bb D F
- Ab minor seventh – Ab Cb(B) Eb Gb
- A minor seventh – A C E G
- Bb minor seventh – Bb Db F Ab
- B minor seventh – B D F# A
Minor 7th Piano Chords Minor 7th piano chords chart.
Major Seventh Piano Chord Chart
- C major seventh – C E G B
- C# major seventh – C# E#(F) G# B#(C)
- D major seventh – D F# A C#
- Eb major seventh – Eb G Bb D
- E major seventh – E G# B D#
- F major seventh – F A C E
- F# major seventh – F# A# C# E#(F)
- G major seventh – G B D F#
- Ab major seventh – Ab C Eb G
- A major seventh – A C# E G#
- Bb major seventh – Bb D F A
- B major seventh – B D# F# A#
Suspended Fourth Piano Chord Chart
- C suspended fourth – C F G
- C# suspended fourth – C# F# G#
- D suspended fourth – D G A
- Eb suspended fourth – Eb Ab Bb
- E suspended fourth – E A B
- F suspended fourth – F Bb C
- F# suspended fourth – F# B C#
- G suspended fourth – G C D
- Ab suspended fourth – Ab Db Eb
- A suspended fourth – A D E
- Bb suspended fourth – Bb Eb F
- B suspended fourth – B E F#
Seventh Suspended Fourth Piano Chords Chart
- C seventh suspended fourth – C F G Bb
- C# seventh suspended fourth – C# F# G# B
- D seventh suspended fourth – D G A C
- Eb seventh suspended fourth – Eb Ab Bb Db
- E seventh suspended fourth – E A B D
- F seventh suspended fourth – F Bb C Eb
- F# seventh suspended fourth – F# B C# E
- G seventh suspended fourth – G C D F
- Ab seventh suspended fourth – Ab Db Eb Gb
- A seventh suspended fourth – A D E G
- Bb seventh suspended fourth – Bb Eb F Ab
- B seventh suspended fourth – B E F# A
More Info on Suspended Chords – includes image charts.
Major Sixth Piano Chords Chart
- C major sixth – C E G A
- C# major sixth – C# E# G# A#
- D major sixth – D F# A B
- Eb major sixth – Eb G Bb C
- E major sixth – E G# B C#
- F major sixth – F A C D
- F# major sixth – F# A# C# D#
- G major sixth – G B D E
- Ab major sixth – Ab C Eb F
- A major sixth – A C# E F#
- Bb major sixth – Bb D F G
- B major sixth – B D# F# G#
Minor Sixth Chords Chart
- C minor sixth – C Eb G A
- C# minor sixth – C# E G# A#
- D minor sixth – D F A B
- Eb minor sixth – Eb Gb Bb C
- E minor sixth – E G B C#
- F minor sixth – F Ab C D
- F# minor sixth – F# A C# D#
- G minor sixth – G Bb D E
- Ab minor sixth – Ab Cb Eb F
- A minor sixth – A C E F#
- Bb minor sixth – Bb Db F G
- B minor sixth – B D F# G#
Major and Minor Sixth Chord Diagrams
Go here for a piano lesson on how to build other types of piano chords. It includes simple chords like major, minor, diminished, augmented, sixth and seventh chords, as well as variations of advanced ninth, eleventh and thirteenth chords. It’s very extensive.
Return from Piano Chords Chart to Piano Lessons home page.
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