Kodaline High Hopes Chord

High Hopes By Kodaline Piano Sheet Music Teaser


I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:- g.smythe@sky.com THIS SONG HAS BEEN TRANSPOSED INTO MANY KEYS AS LISTED BELOW ______________________________________________________________________________ High Hopes – Kodaline ______________________________________________________________________________ Kodaline play this in the key of E ______________________________________________________________________________ Verse 1

E Broken E/D#bottles in theC#m hotel lobby A Seems to Eme like I'm just G#7scared of never C#mfeeling Bit a - Again I knEow it's cG#7razy to be - lC#mieve in sBilly thAings It's not that eaBsy

Verse 2

E I remember itE/D# now, it takes me bC#mack to when it all first started A But I only gEot myself to G#7blame for it, and C#m I ac - cBept that Anow It's tEime to G#7let it go, go C#mout and Bstart a - Again But it's not that eBasy

Chorus But I've got

A High hEopes, it taG#7kes me back to whC#men we stBarteAd A High hEopes, when you G#7 let it go, go C#mout and Bstart a - Again A High Ehopes, G#7 when it C#mall comes Bto an Aend But the world keeps sBpinning a - rEound

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS E E/D# C#m A E G#7 C#m B A A B Verse 3

E And in my E/D#dreams, I meet the C#mghosts of all the people who've come and gonAe A MemoriesE, they seem to show G#7up so quick but they C#mleave you Bfar too Asoon Na - iEve, I was just G#7staring at the C#mbarrel Bof the Agun And I do be - lBieve that

Chorus But I've got

A High hEopes, it taG#7kes me back to whC#men we stBarteAd A High hEopes, when you G#7 let it go, go C#mout and Bstart a - Again A High Ehopes, G#7 when it C#mall comes Bto an Aend But the world keeps sBpinning a - rEound A Yeah the world keeps Bspinning a - Eround

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS E E/D# C#m A E G#7 C#m B A A B Chorus

A High hEopes, it taG#7kes me back to whC#men we stBartedA A High hEopes, when you G#7 let it go, go C#mout and Bstart a - Again A High hEopes, ooohhhG#7 C#m B A A And the world keeps sBpinning A Yeah this world keeps Bspinning

AOoooooooooooooo ooooBooooo A How this world keeps B spinning a - rEound

Outro: played real slow E E/D# C#m

A BMmm EMmm Mmmm Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Play with capo on 4th Fret Verse 1

C Broken C/Bbottles in theAm hotel lobby F Seems to Cme like I'm just E7scared of never Amfeeling Git a - Fgain I knCow it's cE7razy to be - lAmieve in sGilly thFings It's not that eaGsy

Verse 2

C I remember itC/B now, it takes me bAmack to when it all first started F But I only gCot myself to E7blame for it, and Am I ac - cGept that Fnow It's tCime to E7let it go, go Amout and Gstart a - Fgain But it's not that eGasy

Chorus But I've got

F High hCopes, it taE7kes me back to whAmen we stGarteFd F High hCopes, when you E7 let it go, go Amout and Gstart a - Fgain F High Chopes, E7 when it Amall comes Gto an Fend But the world keeps sGpinning a - rCound

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS C C/B Am F C E7 Am G F F G Verse 3

C And in my C/Bdreams, I meet the Amghosts of all the people who've come and gonFe F MemoriesC, they seem to show E7up so quick but they Amleave you Gfar too Fsoon Na - iCve, I was just E7staring at the Ambarrel Gof the Fgun And I do be - lGieve that

Chorus But I've got

F High hCopes, it taE7kes me back to whAmen we stGarteFd F High hCopes, when you E7 let it go, go Amout and Gstart a - Fgain F High Chopes, E7 when it Amall comes Gto an Fend But the world keeps sGpinning a - rCound F Yeah the world keeps Gspinning a - Cround

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS C C/B Am F C E7 Am G F F G Chorus

F High hCopes, it taE7kes me back to whAmen we stGartedF F High hCopes, when you E7 let it go, go Amout and Gstart a - Fgain F High hCopes, ooohhhE7 Am G F F And the world keeps sGpinning F Yeah this world keeps Gspinning

FOoooooooooooooo ooooGooooo F How this world keeps G spinning a - rCound

Outro: played real slow C C/B Am

F GMmm CMmm Mmmm Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Verse 1

D Broken D/C#bottles in theBm hotel lobby G Seems to Dme like I'm just F#7scared of never Bmfeeling Ait a - Ggain I knDow it's cF#7razy to be - lBmieve in sAilly thGings It's not that eaAsy

Verse 2

D I remember itD/C# now, it takes me bBmack to when it all first started G But I only gDot myself to F#7blame for it, and Bm I ac - cAept that Gnow It's tDime to F#7let it go, go Bmout and Astart a - Ggain But it's not that eAasy

Chorus But I've got

G High hDopes, it taF#7kes me back to whBmen we stAarteGd G High hDopes, when you F#7 let it go, go Bmout and Astart a - Ggain G High Dhopes, F#7 when it Bmall comes Ato an Gend But the world keeps sApinning a - rDound

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS D D/C# Bm G D F#7 Bm A G G A Verse 3

D And in my D/C#dreams, I meet the Bmghosts of all the people who've come and gonGe G MemoriesD, they seem to show F#7up so quick but they Bmleave you Afar too Gsoon Na - iDve, I was just F#7staring at the Bmbarrel Aof the Ggun And I do be - lAieve that

Chorus But I've got

G High hDopes, it taF#7kes me back to whBmen we stAarteGd G High hDopes, when you F#7 let it go, go Bmout and Astart a - Ggain G High Dhopes, F#7 when it Bmall comes Ato an Gend But the world keeps sApinning a - rDound G Yeah the world keeps Aspinning a - Dround

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS D D/C# Bm G D F#7 Bm A G G A Chorus

G High hDopes, it taF#7kes me back to whBmen we stAartedG G High hDopes, when you F#7 let it go, go Bmout and Astart a - Ggain G High hDopes, ooohhhF#7 Bm A G G And the world keeps sApinning G Yeah this world keeps Aspinning

GOoooooooooooooo ooooAooooo G How this world keeps A spinning a - rDound

Outro: played real slow D D/C# Bm

G AMmm DMmm Mmmm Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Verse 1

F Broken F/Ebottles in theDm hotel lobby Bb Seems to Fme like I'm just A7scared of never Dmfeeling Cit a - Bbgain I knFow it's cA7razy to be - lDmieve in sCilly thBbings It's not that eaCsy

Verse 2

F I remember itF/E now, it takes me bDmack to when it all first started Bb But I only gFot myself to A7blame for it, and Dm I ac - cCept that Bbnow It's tFime to A7let it go, go Dmout and Cstart a - Bbgain But it's not that eCasy

Chorus But I've got

Bb High hFopes, it taA7kes me back to whDmen we stCarteBbd Bb High hFopes, when you A7 let it go, go Dmout and Cstart a - Bbgain Bb High Fhopes, A7 when it Dmall comes Cto an Bbend But the world keeps sCpinning a - rFound

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS F F/E Dm Bb F A7 Dm C Bb Bb C Verse 3

F And in my F/Edreams, I meet the Dmghosts of all the people who've come and gonBbe Bb MemoriesF, they seem to show A7up so quick but they Dmleave you Cfar too Bbsoon Na - iFve, I was just A7staring at the Dmbarrel Cof the Bbgun And I do be - lCieve that

Chorus But I've got

Bb High hFopes, it taA7kes me back to whDmen we stCarteBbd Bb High hFopes, when you A7 let it go, go Dmout and Cstart a - Bbgain Bb High Fhopes, A7 when it Dmall comes Cto an Bbend But the world keeps sCpinning a - rFound Bb Yeah the world keeps Cspinning a - Fround

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS F F/E Dm Bb F A7 Dm C Bb Bb C Chorus

Bb High hFopes, it taA7kes me back to whDmen we stCartedBb Bb High hFopes, when you A7 let it go, go Dmout and Cstart a - Bbgain Bb High hFopes, ooohhhA7 Dm C Bb Bb And the world keeps sCpinning Bb Yeah this world keeps Cspinning

BbOoooooooooooooo ooooCooooo Bb How this world keeps C spinning a - rFound

Outro: played real slow F F/E Dm

Bb CMmm FMmm Mmmm Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Verse 1

G Broken G/F#bottles in theEm hotel lobby C Seems to Gme like I'm just B7scared of never Emfeeling Dit a - Cgain I knGow it's cB7razy to be - lEmieve in sDilly thCings It's not that eaDsy

Verse 2

G I remember itG/F# now, it takes me bEmack to when it all first started C But I only gGot myself to B7blame for it, and Em I ac - cDept that Cnow It's tGime to B7let it go, go Emout and Dstart a - Cgain But it's not that eDasy

Chorus But I've got

C High hGopes, it taB7kes me back to whEmen we stDarteCd C High hGopes, when you B7 let it go, go Emout and Dstart a - Cgain C High Ghopes, B7 when it Emall comes Dto an Cend But the world keeps sDpinning a - rGound

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS G G/F# Em C G B7 Em D C C D Verse 3

G And in my G/F#dreams, I meet the Emghosts of all the people who've come and gonCe C MemoriesG, they seem to show B7up so quick but they Emleave you Dfar too Csoon Na - iGve, I was just B7staring at the Embarrel Dof the Cgun And I do be - lDieve that

Chorus But I've got

C High hGopes, it taB7kes me back to whEmen we stDarteCd C High hGopes, when you B7 let it go, go Emout and Dstart a - Cgain C High Ghopes, B7 when it Emall comes Dto an Cend But the world keeps sDpinning a - rGound C Yeah the world keeps Dspinning a - Ground

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS G G/F# Em C G B7 Em D C C D Chorus

C High hGopes, it taB7kes me back to whEmen we stDartedC C High hGopes, when you B7 let it go, go Emout and Dstart a - Cgain C High hGopes, ooohhhB7 Em D C C And the world keeps sDpinning C Yeah this world keeps Dspinning

COoooooooooooooo ooooDooooo C How this world keeps D spinning a - rGound

Outro: played real slow G G/F# Em

C DMmm GMmm Mmmm Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Verse 1

A Broken A/G#bottles in theF#m hotel lobby D Seems to Ame like I'm just C#7scared of never F#mfeeling Eit a - Dgain I knAow it's cC#7razy to be - lF#mieve in sEilly thDings It's not that eaEsy

Verse 2

A I remember itA/G# now, it takes me bF#mack to when it all first started D But I only gAot myself to C#7blame for it, and F#m I ac - cEept that Dnow It's tAime to C#7let it go, go F#mout and Estart a - Dgain But it's not that eEasy

Chorus But I've got

D High hAopes, it taC#7kes me back to whF#men we stEarteDd D High hAopes, when you C#7 let it go, go F#mout and Estart a - Dgain D High Ahopes, C#7 when it F#mall comes Eto an Dend But the world keeps sEpinning a - rAound

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS A A/G# F#m D A C#7 F#m E D D E Verse 3

A And in my A/G#dreams, I meet the F#mghosts of all the people who've come and gonDe D MemoriesA, they seem to show C#7up so quick but they F#mleave you Efar too Dsoon Na - iAve, I was just C#7staring at the F#mbarrel Eof the Dgun And I do be - lEieve that

Chorus But I've got

D High hAopes, it taC#7kes me back to whF#men we stEarteDd D High hAopes, when you C#7 let it go, go F#mout and Estart a - Dgain D High Ahopes, C#7 when it F#mall comes Eto an Dend But the world keeps sEpinning a - rAound D Yeah the world keeps Espinning a - Around

Instrumental: VERSE WITHOUT WORDS A A/G# F#m D A C#7 F#m E D D E Chorus

D High hAopes, it taC#7kes me back to whF#men we stEartedD D High hAopes, when you C#7 let it go, go F#mout and Estart a - Dgain D High hAopes, ooohhhC#7 F#m E D D And the world keeps sEpinning D Yeah this world keeps Espinning

DOoooooooooooooo ooooEooooo D How this world keeps E spinning a - rAound

Outro: played real slow A A/G# F#m

D EMmm AMmm Mmmm Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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